线性回归(Linear Regression)

回归方法是为了对连续型的数据做出预测,其中最简单的回归方法当然就是线性回归。顾名思义,线性回归就是使用线性方程来对已知的数据集合进行拟合,达到预测未来的目的。线性回归的优点就是结果十分容易理解,计算公式简单;缺点则是对非线性的数据拟合程度不够好。例如,用一个线性函数 y = kx + b 去拟合二次函数 f(x) = x^{2},结果总是不尽人意。为了解决这类问题,有人提出了局部加权线性回归(locally weighted linear regression)岭回归(ridge regression)LASSO 和 前向逐步线性回归(forward stagewise linear regression)。本文中将会一一介绍这些回归算法。

(一)线性回归(Linear Regression)

假设矩阵 X 的每一行表示一个样本,每一列表示相应的特征,列向量 Y 表示矩阵 X 所对应的取值,那么我们需要找到一个列向量 \Theta 使得 Y=X\Theta。当然,这样的 \Theta 在现实的数据集中几乎不可能存在。不过,我们可以寻找一个 \Theta 使得列向量 Y-X\Theta 的 Eulidean 范数足够小。换言之,我们需要找到一个向量 \Theta 使得

\sum_{i=1}^{m}(y_{i}-x_{i}\Theta)^{2} = (Y-X\Theta)^{T}(Y-X\Theta)

的取值足够小,其中 m 是矩阵 X 的行数,x_{i} 表示矩阵 X 的第 i 个行向量。通过数学计算可以得到:

(Y-X\Theta)^{T}(Y-X\Theta)=Y^{T}Y-2Y^{T}X\Theta + \Theta^{T}X^{T}X\Theta

\Theta 求导之后得到:-2X^{T}Y + 2X^{T}X\Theta=0,求解 \Theta 之后得到 \Theta = (X^{T}X)^{-1}X^{T}Y。因此,对于矩阵 X 和列向量 Y 而言,最佳的线性回归系数是

\Theta = (X^{T}X)^{-1}X^{T}Y.



(二)局部加权线性回归(Locally Weighted Linear Regression)

线性回归的一个问题就是会出现欠拟合的情况,因为线性方程确实很难精确地描述现实生活的大量数据集。因此有人提出了局部加权线性回归(Locally Weighted Linear Regression),在该算法中,给每一个点都赋予一定的权重,也就是

\sum_{i=1}^{m}w_{i}(y_{i}-x_{i}\Theta)^{2} = (Y-X\Theta)^{T}W(Y-X\Theta),

其中 W 表示以 \{w_{1},...,w_{m}\} 为对角线的对角矩阵,其中 m 是矩阵 X 的行数,x_{i} 表示矩阵 X 的第 i 个行向量。通过计算可以得到:


\Theta 求导之后得到:

-2(Y^{T}WX)^{T} + 2 X^{T}WX\Theta = -2X^{T}WY+2X^{T}WX\Theta.

令导数等于零之后得到:\Theta = (X^{T}WX)^{-1}X^{T}WY。因此,如果使用局部加权线性回归的话,最佳的系数就是

\Theta = (X^{T}WX)^{-1}X^{T}WY.

局部加权线性回归需要确定权重矩阵 W 的值,那么就需要定义对角线的取值,通常情况下我们会使用高斯核。

w_{i} = \exp\{-\frac{(x_{i}-x)^{2}}{2k^{2}}\}.

其中 k 是参数。从高斯核的定义可以看出,如果 xx_{i} 隔得很近,那么 w_{i} 就会较大;如果隔得较远,那么 w_{i} 就会趋向于零。意思就是说:在局部形成了线性回归的算法,在整体并不一定是线性回归。在局部线性回归中,k 就是唯一的参数值。

如果选择了合适的 k,可以得到一条看上去还不错的曲线;如果选择了不合适的 k,就有可能出现过拟合的情况。


(三)岭回归(Ridge Regression)和 LASSO

如果在某种特殊的情况下,特征的个数 n 大于样本的个数 m,i.e. 矩阵 X 的列数多于行数,那么 X 不是一个满秩矩阵,因此在计算 (X^{T}X)^{-1} 的时候会出现问题。为了解决这个问题,有人引入了岭回归(ridge regression)的概念。也就是说在计算矩阵的逆的时候,增加了一个对角矩阵,目的是使得可以对矩阵进行求逆。用数学语言来描述就是矩阵 X^{T}X 加上 \lambda I,这里的 I 是一个 n\times n 的对角矩阵,使得矩阵 X^{T}X+\lambda I 是一个可逆矩阵。在这种情况下,回归系数的计算公式变成了

\Theta = (X^{T}X+\lambda I)^{-1}X^{T}Y.


从另一个角度来讲,当样本的特征很多,而样本的数量相对少的时候,\sum_{i=1}^{m}(y_{i}-x_{i}\Theta)^{2} 很容易过拟合。为了缓解过拟合的问题,可以引入正则化项。如果使用 L^{2} 正则化,那么目标函数则是

\sum_{i=1}^{m}(y_{i}-x_{i}\Theta)^{2}+\lambda||\Theta||_{2}^{2}=(Y-X\Theta)^{T}(Y-X\Theta)+\lambda \Theta^{T}\Theta,

其中 \lambda>0。通过数学推导可以得到:

(Y-X\Theta)^{T}(Y-X\Theta)+\lambda \Theta^{T}\Theta = Y^{T}Y - 2\Theta^{T}X^{T}Y+\Theta^{T}X^{T}X\Theta+\lambda\Theta^{T}I\Theta.

\Theta 求导之后得到:

-2X^{T}Y+2(X^{T}X+\lambda I)\Theta,

令导数等于零可以得到:\Theta = (X^{T}X + \lambda I)^{-1}X^{T}Y. 因此,从另一个角度来说,岭回归(Ridge Regression)是在线性规划的基础上添加了一个 L^{2} 范数的正则化,可以用来降低过拟合的风险。

需要注意的是:在进行岭回归的时候,需要在一开始就对特征进行标准化处理,使得每一维度的特征具有相同的重要性。具体来说就是 (特征-特征的均值)/特征的方差,让每一维度的特征都满足零均值和单位方差。

另外,如果把岭回归中的 L^{2} 范数正则化替换成 L^{1} 范数,那么目标函数就变成了

\sum_{i=1}^{m}(y_{i}-x_{i}\Theta)^{2}+\lambda ||\Theta||_{1}

其中的参数 \lambda>0L^{1}L^{2} 范数都有助于降低过拟合的风险,使用 L^{1} 范数的方法被称为 LASSO(Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operation)。使用 L^{1} 范数比使用 L^{2} 范数更加容易获得稀疏解(sparse solution),即它求得的参数 \Theta 会有更少的非零分量。\Theta 获得稀疏解意味着初始的 n 个特征中仅有对应着 \Theta 的非零分量的特征才会出现在最终的模型中。于是,求解 L^{1} 范数正则化的结果是得到了仅采用一部分原始特征的模型;从另一个角度来说,基于 L^{1} 正则化的学习方法就是一种嵌入式的特征选择方法,其特征选择的过程和训练的过程融为一体,同时完成。

(四)前向逐步线性回归(Forward Stagewise Linear Regression)

前向逐步线性回归算法是一种贪心算法,目的是在每一步都尽可能的减少误差。初始化的时候,所有的权重都设置为1,然后每一步所做的据测就是对某个权重增加或者减少一个很小的值 \epsilon





该如何做大中型 UGC 平台(如新浪微博)的反垃圾(anti-spam)工作?


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宋一松 Facebook,Uber
收录于 编辑推荐 159 人赞同
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iammutex 彩石手机CTO – 做最好的中老年智能手机

如何在 Kaggle 首战中进入前 10%


Kaggle 是目前最大的 Data Scientist 聚集地。很多公司会拿出自家的数据并提供奖金,在 Kaggle 上组织数据竞赛。我最近完成了第一次比赛,在 2125 个参赛队伍中排名第 98 位(~ 5%)。因为是第一次参赛,所以对这个成绩我已经很满意了。在 Kaggle 上一次比赛的结果除了排名以外,还会显示的就是 Prize Winner,10% 或是 25% 这三档。所以刚刚接触 Kaggle 的人很多都会以 25% 或是 10% 为目标。在本文中,我试图根据自己第一次比赛的经验和从其他 Kaggler 那里学到的知识,为刚刚听说 Kaggle 想要参赛的新手提供一些切实可行的冲刺 10% 的指导。


Kaggle Profile

Kaggler 绝大多数都是用 Python 和 R 这两门语言的。因为我主要使用 Python,所以本文提到的例子都会根据 Python 来。不过 R 的用户应该也能不费力地了解到工具背后的思想。

首先简单介绍一些关于 Kaggle 比赛的知识:

  • 不同比赛有不同的任务,分类、回归、推荐、排序等。比赛开始后训练集和测试集就会开放下载。
  • 比赛通常持续 2 ~ 3 个月,每个队伍每天可以提交的次数有限,通常为 5 次。
  • 比赛结束前一周是一个 Deadline,在这之后不能再组队,也不能再新加入比赛。所以想要参加比赛请务必在这一 Deadline 之前有过至少一次有效的提交
  • 一般情况下在提交后会立刻得到得分的反馈。不同比赛会采取不同的评分基准,可以在分数栏最上方看到使用的评分方法。
  • 反馈的分数是基于测试集的一部分计算的,剩下的另一部分会被用于计算最终的结果。所以最后排名会变动。
  • LB 指的就是在 Leaderboard 得到的分数,由上,有 Public LBPrivate LB 之分。
  • 自己做的 Cross Validation 得到的分数一般称为 CV 或是 Local CV。一般来说 CV 的结果比 LB 要可靠。
  • 新手可以从比赛的 ForumScripts 中找到许多有用的经验和洞见。不要吝啬提问,Kaggler 都很热情。


P.S. 本文假设读者对 Machine Learning 的基本概念和常见模型已经有一定了解。 Enjoy Reading!

General Approach

在这一节中我会讲述一次 Kaggle 比赛的大致流程。

Data Exploration

在这一步要做的基本就是 EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis),也就是对数据进行探索性的分析,从而为之后的处理和建模提供必要的结论。

通常我们会用 pandas 来载入数据,并做一些简单的可视化来理解数据。


通常来说 matplotlibseaborn 提供的绘图功能就可以满足需求了。


  • 查看目标变量的分布。当分布不平衡时,根据评分标准和具体模型的使用不同,可能会严重影响性能。
  • Numerical Variable,可以用 Box Plot 来直观地查看它的分布。
  • 对于坐标类数据,可以用 Scatter Plot 来查看它们的分布趋势和是否有离群点的存在。
  • 对于分类问题,将数据根据 Label 的不同着不同的颜色绘制出来,这对 Feature 的构造很有帮助。
  • 绘制变量之间两两的分布和相关度图表。

这里有一个在著名的 Iris 数据集上做了一系列可视化的例子,非常有启发性。

Statistical Tests

我们可以对数据进行一些统计上的测试来验证一些假设的显著性。虽然大部分情况下靠可视化就能得到比较明确的结论,但有一些定量结果总是更理想的。不过,在实际数据中经常会遇到非 i.i.d. 的分布。所以要注意测试类型的的选择和对显著性的解释。

在某些比赛中,由于数据分布比较奇葩或是噪声过强,Public LB 的分数可能会跟Local CV 的结果相去甚远。可以根据一些统计测试的结果来粗略地建立一个阈值,用来衡量一次分数的提高究竟是实质的提高还是由于数据的随机性导致的。

Data Preprocessing

大部分情况下,在构造 Feature 之前,我们需要对比赛提供的数据集进行一些处理。通常的步骤有:

  • 有时数据会分散在几个不同的文件中,需要 Join 起来。
  • 处理 Missing Data
  • 处理 Outlier
  • 必要时转换某些 Categorical Variable 的表示方式。
  • 有些 Float 变量可能是从未知的 Int 变量转换得到的,这个过程中发生精度损失会在数据中产生不必要的 Noise,即两个数值原本是相同的却在小数点后某一位开始有不同。这对 Model 可能会产生很负面的影响,需要设法去除或者减弱 Noise。

这一部分的处理策略多半依赖于在前一步中探索数据集所得到的结论以及创建的可视化图表。在实践中,我建议使用 iPython Notebook 进行对数据的操作,并熟练掌握常用的 pandas 函数。这样做的好处是可以随时得到结果的反馈和进行修改,也方便跟其他人进行交流(在 Data Science 中 Reproducible Results 是很重要的)。



Outlier Example

这是经过 Scaling 的坐标数据。可以发现右上角存在一些离群点,去除以后分布比较正常。

Dummy Variables

对于 Categorical Variable,常用的做法就是 One-hot encoding。即对这一变量创建一组新的伪变量,对应其所有可能的取值。这些变量中只有这条数据对应的取值为 1,其他都为 0。

如下,将原本有 7 种可能取值的 Weekdays 变量转换成 7 个 Dummy Variables。

Dummies Example


Feature Engineering

有人总结 Kaggle 比赛是 “Feature 为主,调参和 Ensemble 为辅”,我觉得很有道理。Feature Engineering 能做到什么程度,取决于对数据领域的了解程度。比如在数据包含大量文本的比赛中,常用的 NLP 特征就是必须的。怎么构造有用的 Feature,是一个不断学习和提高的过程。

一般来说,当一个变量从直觉上来说对所要完成的目标有帮助,就可以将其作为 Feature。至于它是否有效,最简单的方式就是通过图表来直观感受。比如:

Checking Feature Validity

Feature Selection

总的来说,我们应该生成尽量多的 Feature,相信 Model 能够挑出最有用的 Feature。但有时先做一遍 Feature Selection 也能带来一些好处:

  • Feature 越少,训练越快。
  • 有些 Feature 之间可能存在线性关系,影响 Model 的性能。
  • 通过挑选出最重要的 Feature,可以将它们之间进行各种运算和操作的结果作为新的 Feature,可能带来意外的提高。

Feature Selection 最实用的方法也就是看 Random Forest 训练完以后得到的Feature Importance 了。其他有一些更复杂的算法在理论上更加 Robust,但是缺乏实用高效的实现,比如这个。从原理上来讲,增加 Random Forest 中树的数量可以在一定程度上加强其对于 Noisy Data 的 Robustness。

看 Feature Importance 对于某些数据经过脱敏处理的比赛尤其重要。这可以免得你浪费大把时间在琢磨一个不重要的变量的意义上。

Feature Encoding

这里用一个例子来说明在一些情况下 Raw Feature 可能需要经过一些转换才能起到比较好的效果。

假设有一个 Categorical Variable 一共有几万个取值可能,那么创建 Dummy Variables 的方法就不可行了。这时一个比较好的方法是根据 Feature Importance 或是这些取值本身在数据中的出现频率,为最重要(比如说前 95% 的 Importance)那些取值(有很大可能只有几个或是十几个)创建 Dummy Variables,而所有其他取值都归到一个“其他”类里面。

Model Selection

准备好 Feature 以后,就可以开始选用一些常见的模型进行训练了。Kaggle 上最常用的模型基本都是基于树的模型:

  • Gradient Boosting
  • Random Forest
  • Extra Randomized Trees

以下模型往往在性能上稍逊一筹,但是很适合作为 Ensemble 的 Base Model。这一点之后再详细解释。(当然,在跟图像有关的比赛中神经网络的重要性还是不能小觑的。)

  • SVM
  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Neural Networks

以上这些模型基本都可以通过 sklearn 来使用。

当然,这里不能不提一下 XgboostGradient Boosting 本身优秀的性能加上Xgboost 高效的实现,使得它在 Kaggle 上广为使用。几乎每场比赛的获奖者都会用 Xgboost 作为最终 Model 的重要组成部分。在实战中,我们往往会以 Xgboost 为主来建立我们的模型并且验证 Feature 的有效性。顺带一提,在 Windows 上安装 Xgboost 很容易遇到问题,目前已知最简单、成功率最高的方案可以参考我在这篇帖子中的描述

Model Training

在训练时,我们主要希望通过调整参数来得到一个性能不错的模型。一个模型往往有很多参数,但其中比较重要的一般不会太多。比如对 sklearnRandomForestClassifier 来说,比较重要的就是随机森林中树的数量 n_estimators 以及在训练每棵树时最多选择的特征数量 max_features。所以我们需要对自己使用的模型有足够的了解,知道每个参数对性能的影响是怎样的

通常我们会通过一个叫做 Grid Search 的过程来确定一组最佳的参数。其实这个过程说白了就是根据给定的参数候选对所有的组合进行暴力搜索。

param_grid = {‘n_estimators’: [300, 500], ‘max_features’: [10, 12, 14]}
model = grid_search.GridSearchCV(estimator=rfr, param_grid=param_grid, n_jobs=1, cv=10, verbose=20, scoring=RMSE)
model.fit(X_train, y_train)

顺带一提,Random Forest 一般在 max_features 设为 Feature 数量的平方根附近得到最佳结果。

这里要重点讲一下 Xgboost 的调参。通常认为对它性能影响较大的参数有:

  • eta:每次迭代完成后更新权重时的步长。越小训练越慢。
  • num_round:总共迭代的次数。
  • subsample:训练每棵树时用来训练的数据占全部的比例。用于防止 Overfitting。
  • colsample_bytree:训练每棵树时用来训练的特征的比例,类似 RandomForestClassifiermax_features
  • max_depth:每棵树的最大深度限制。与 Random Forest 不同,Gradient Boosting 如果不对深度加以限制,最终是会 Overfit 的
  • early_stopping_rounds:用于控制在 Out Of Sample 的验证集上连续多少个迭代的分数都没有提高后就提前终止训练。用于防止 Overfitting。


  1. 将训练数据的一部分划出来作为验证集。
  2. 先将 eta 设得比较高(比如 0.1),num_round 设为 300 ~ 500。
  3. 用 Grid Search 对其他参数进行搜索
  4. 逐步将 eta 降低,找到最佳值。
  5. 以验证集为 watchlist,用找到的最佳参数组合重新在训练集上训练。注意观察算法的输出,看每次迭代后在验证集上分数的变化情况,从而得到最佳的 early_stopping_rounds
X_dtrain, X_deval, y_dtrain, y_deval = cross_validation.train_test_split(X_train, y_train, random_state=1026, test_size=0.3)
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_dtrain, y_dtrain)
deval = xgb.DMatrix(X_deval, y_deval)
watchlist = [(deval, ‘eval’)]
params = {
‘booster’: ‘gbtree’,
‘objective’: ‘reg:linear’,
‘subsample’: 0.8,
‘colsample_bytree’: 0.85,
‘eta’: 0.05,
‘max_depth’: 7,
‘seed’: 2016,
‘silent’: 0,
‘eval_metric’: ‘rmse’
clf = xgb.train(params, dtrain, 500, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=50)
pred = clf.predict(xgb.DMatrix(df_test))

最后要提一点,所有具有随机性的 Model 一般都会有一个 seed 或是 random_state 参数用于控制随机种子。得到一个好的 Model 后,在记录参数时务必也记录下这个值,从而能够在之后重现 Model。

Cross Validation

Cross Validation 是非常重要的一个环节。它让你知道你的 Model 有没有 Overfit,是不是真的能够 Generalize 到测试集上。在很多比赛中 Public LB 都会因为这样那样的原因而不可靠。当你改进了 Feature 或是 Model 得到了一个更高的 CV 结果,提交之后得到的 LB 结果却变差了,一般认为这时应该相信 CV 的结果。当然,最理想的情况是多种不同的 CV 方法得到的结果和 LB 同时提高,但这样的比赛并不是太多。

在数据的分布比较随机均衡的情况下,5-Fold CV 一般就足够了。如果不放心,可以提到 10-Fold但是 Fold 越多训练也就会越慢,需要根据实际情况进行取舍。

很多时候简单的 CV 得到的分数会不大靠谱,Kaggle 上也有很多关于如何做 CV 的讨论。比如这个。但总的来说,靠谱的 CV 方法是 Case By Case 的,需要在实际比赛中进行尝试和学习,这里就不再(也不能)叙述了。

Ensemble Generation

Ensemble Learning 是指将多个不同的 Base Model 组合成一个 Ensemble Model 的方法。它可以同时降低最终模型的 Bias 和 Variance(证明可以参考这篇论文,我最近在研究类似的理论,可能之后会写新文章详述),从而在提高分数的同时又降低 Overfitting 的风险。在现在的 Kaggle 比赛中要不用 Ensemble 就拿到奖金几乎是不可能的。

常见的 Ensemble 方法有这么几种:

  • Bagging:使用训练数据的不同随机子集来训练每个 Base Model,最后进行每个 Base Model 权重相同的 Vote。也即 Random Forest 的原理。
  • Boosting:迭代地训练 Base Model,每次根据上一个迭代中预测错误的情况修改训练样本的权重。也即 Gradient Boosting 的原理。比 Bagging 效果好,但更容易 Overfit。
  • Blending:用不相交的数据训练不同的 Base Model,将它们的输出取(加权)平均。实现简单,但对训练数据利用少了。
  • Stacking:接下来会详细介绍。

从理论上讲,Ensemble 要成功,有两个要素:

  • Base Model 之间的相关性要尽可能的小。这就是为什么非 Tree-based Model 往往表现不是最好但还是要将它们包括在 Ensemble 里面的原因。Ensemble 的 Diversity 越大,最终 Model 的 Bias 就越低。
  • Base Model 之间的性能表现不能差距太大。这其实是一个 Trade-off,在实际中很有可能表现相近的 Model 只有寥寥几个而且它们之间相关性还不低。但是实践告诉我们即使在这种情况下 Ensemble 还是能大幅提高成绩。


相比 Blending,Stacking 能更好地利用训练数据。以 5-Fold Stacking 为例,它的基本原理如图所示:


整个过程很像 Cross Validation。首先将训练数据分为 5 份,接下来一共 5 个迭代,每次迭代时,将 4 份数据作为 Training Set 对每个 Base Model 进行训练,然后在剩下一份 Hold-out Set 上进行预测。同时也要将其在测试数据上的预测保存下来。这样,每个 Base Model 在每次迭代时会对训练数据的其中 1 份做出预测,对测试数据的全部做出预测。5 个迭代都完成以后我们就获得了一个 #训练数据行数 x #Base Model 数量 的矩阵,这个矩阵接下来就作为第二层的 Model 的训练数据。当第二层的 Model 训练完以后,将之前保存的 Base Model 对测试数据的预测(因为每个 Base Model 被训练了 5 次,对测试数据的全体做了 5 次预测,所以对这 5 次求一个平均值,从而得到一个形状与第二层训练数据相同的矩阵)拿出来让它进行预测,就得到最后的输出。


class Ensemble(object):
def __init__(self, n_folds, stacker, base_models):
self.n_folds = n_folds
self.stacker = stacker
self.base_models = base_models
def fit_predict(self, X, y, T):
X = np.array(X)
y = np.array(y)
T = np.array(T)
folds = list(KFold(len(y), n_folds=self.n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=2016))
S_train = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(self.base_models)))
S_test = np.zeros((T.shape[0], len(self.base_models)))
for i, clf in enumerate(self.base_models):
S_test_i = np.zeros((T.shape[0], len(folds)))
for j, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(folds):
X_train = X[train_idx]
y_train = y[train_idx]
X_holdout = X[test_idx]
# y_holdout = y[test_idx]
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = clf.predict(X_holdout)[:]
S_train[test_idx, i] = y_pred
S_test_i[:, j] = clf.predict(T)[:]
S_test[:, i] = S_test_i.mean(1)
self.stacker.fit(S_train, y)
y_pred = self.stacker.predict(S_test)[:]
return y_pred

获奖选手往往会使用比这复杂得多的 Ensemble,会出现三层、四层甚至五层,不同的层数之间有各种交互,还有将经过不同的 Preprocessing 和不同的 Feature Engineering 的数据用 Ensemble 组合起来的做法。但对于新手来说,稳稳当当地实现一个正确的 5-Fold Stacking 已经足够了。


可以看出 Kaggle 比赛的 Workflow 还是比较复杂的。尤其是 Model Selection 和 Ensemble。理想情况下,我们需要搭建一个高自动化的 Pipeline,它可以做到:

  • 模块化 Feature Transform,只需写很少的代码就能将新的 Feature 更新到训练集中。
  • 自动化 Grid Search,只要预先设定好使用的 Model 和参数的候选,就能自动搜索并记录最佳的 Model。
  • 自动化 Ensemble Generation,每个一段时间将现有最好的 K 个 Model 拿来做 Ensemble。

对新手来说,第一点可能意义还不是太大,因为 Feature 的数量总是人脑管理的过来的;第三点问题也不大,因为往往就是在最后做几次 Ensemble。但是第二点还是很有意义的,手工记录每个 Model 的表现不仅浪费时间而且容易产生混乱。

Crowdflower Search Results Relevance 的第一名获得者 Chenglong Chen 将他在比赛中使用的 Pipeline 公开了,非常具有参考和借鉴意义。只不过看懂他的代码并将其中的逻辑抽离出来搭建这样一个框架,还是比较困难的一件事。可能在参加过几次比赛以后专门抽时间出来做会比较好。

Home Depot Search Relevance

在这一节中我会具体分享我在 Home Depot Search Relevance 比赛中是怎么做的,以及比赛结束后从排名靠前的队伍那边学到的做法。

首先简单介绍这个比赛。Task 是判断用户搜索的关键词和网站返回的结果之间的相关度有多高。相关度是由 3 个人类打分取平均得到的,每个人可能打 1 ~ 3 分,所以这是一个回归问题。数据中包含用户的搜索词,返回的产品的标题和介绍,以及产品相关的一些属性比如品牌、尺寸、颜色等。使用的评分基准是 RMSE

这个比赛非常像 Crowdflower Search Results Relevance 那场比赛。不过那边用的评分基准是 Quadratic Weighted Kappa,把 1 误判成 4 的惩罚会比把 1 判成 2 的惩罚大得多,所以在最后 Decode Prediction 的时候会更麻烦一点。除此以外那次比赛没有提供产品的属性。


由于加入比赛比较晚,当时已经有相当不错的 EDA 了。尤其是这个。从中我得到的启发有:

  • 同一个搜索词/产品都出现了多次,数据分布显然不 i.i.d.
  • 文本之间的相似度很有用。
  • 产品中有相当大一部分缺失属性,要考虑这会不会使得从属性中得到的 Feature 反而难以利用。
  • 产品的 ID 对预测相关度很有帮助,但是考虑到训练集和测试集之间的重叠度并不太高,利用它会不会导致 Overfitting?


这次比赛中我的 Preprocessing 和 Feature Engineering 的具体做法都可以在这里看到。我只简单总结一下和指出重要的点。

  1. 利用 Forum 上的 Typo Dictionary 修正搜索词中的错误。
  2. 统计属性的出现次数,将其中出现次数多又容易利用的记录下来。
  3. 将训练集和测试集合并,并与产品描述和属性 Join 起来。这是考虑到后面有一系列操作,如果不合并的话就要重复写两次了。
  4. 对所有文本能做 StemmingTokenizing,同时手工做了一部分格式统一化(比如涉及到数字和单位的)同义词替换


  • *Attribute Features
    • 是否包含某个特定的属性(品牌、尺寸、颜色、重量、内用/外用、是否有能源之星认证等)
    • 这个特定的属性是否匹配
  • Meta Features
    • 各个文本域的长度
    • 是否包含属性域
    • 品牌(将所有的品牌做数值离散化)
    • 产品 ID
  • 简单匹配
    • 搜索词是否在产品标题、产品介绍或是产品属性中出现
    • 搜索词在产品标题、产品介绍或是产品属性中出现的数量和比例
    • *搜索词中的第 i 个词是否在产品标题、产品介绍或是产品属性中出现
  • 搜索词和产品标题、产品介绍以及产品属性之间的文本相似度
  • Latent Semantic Indexing:通过将 BOW/TF-IDF Vectorization 得到的矩阵进行 SVD 分解,我们可以得到不同搜索词/产品组合的 Latent 标识。这个 Feature 使得 Model 能够在一定程度上对不同的组合做出区别,从而解决某些产品缺失某些 Feature 的问题。

值得一提的是,上面打了 * 的 Feature 都是我在最后一批加上去的。问题是,使用这批 Feature 训练得到的 Model 反而比之前的要差,而且还差不少。我一开始是以为因为 Feature 的数量变多了所以一些参数需要重新调优,但在浪费了很多时间做 Grid Search 以后却发现还是没法超过之前的分数。这可能就是之前提到的 Feature 之间的相互作用导致的问题。当时我设想过一个看到过好几次的解决方案,就是将使用不同版本 Feature 的 Model 通过 Ensemble 组合起来。但最终因为时间关系没有实现。事实上排名靠前的队伍分享的解法里面基本都提到了将不同的 Preprocessing 和 Feature Engineering 做 Ensemble 是获胜的关键。


我一开始用的是 RandomForestRegressor,后来在 Windows 上折腾 Xgboost 成功了就开始用 XGBRegressorXGB 的优势非常明显,同样的数据它只需要不到一半的时间就能跑完,节约了很多时间。

比赛中后期我基本上就是一边台式机上跑 Grid Search,一边在笔记本上继续研究 Feature。

这次比赛数据分布很不独立,所以期间多次遇到改进的 Feature 或是 Grid Search新得到的参数训练出来的模型反而 LB 分数下降了。由于被很多前辈教导过要相信自己的 CV,我的决定是将 5-Fold 提到 10-Fold,然后以 CV 为标准继续前进。


最终我的 Ensemble 的 Base Model 有以下四个:

  • RandomForestRegressor
  • ExtraTreesRegressor
  • GradientBoostingRegressor
  • XGBRegressor

第二层的 Model 还是用的 XGB

因为 Base Model 之间的相关都都太高了(最低的一对也有 0.9),我原本还想引入使用 gblinearXGBRegressor 以及 SVR,但前者的 RMSE 比其他几个 Model 高了 0.02(这在 LB 上有几百名的差距),而后者的训练实在太慢了。最后还是只用了这四个。

值得一提的是,在开始做 Stacking 以后,我的 CV 和 LB 成绩的提高就是完全同步的了。

在比赛最后两天,因为身心疲惫加上想不到还能有什么显著的改进,我做了一件事情:用 20 个不同的随机种子来生成 Ensemble,最后取 Weighted Average。这个其实算是一种变相的 Bagging。其意义在于按我实现 Stacking 的方式,我在训练 Base Model 时只用了 80% 的训练数据,而训练第二层的 Model 时用了 100% 的数据,这在一定程度上增大了 Overfitting 的风险。而每次更改随机种子可以确保每次用的是不同的 80%,这样在多次训练取平均以后就相当于逼近了使用 100% 数据的效果。这给我带来了大约 0.0004 的提高,也很难受说是真的有效还是随机性了。

比赛结束后我发现我最好的单个 Model 在 Private LB 上的得分是 0.46378,而最终 Stacking 的得分是 0.45849。这是 174 名和 98 名的差距。也就是说,我单靠 Feature 和调参进到了 前 10%,而 Stacking 使我进入了前 5%。

Lessons Learned


  • 产品标题的组织方式是有 Pattern 的,比如一个产品是否带有某附件一定会用With/Without XXX 的格式放在标题最后。
  • 使用外部数据,比如 WordNetReddit 评论数据集等来训练同义词和上位词(在一定程度上替代 Word2Vec)词典。
  • 基于字母而不是单词的 NLP Feature。这一点我让我十分费解,但请教以后发现非常有道理。举例说,排名第三的队伍在计算匹配度时,将搜索词和内容中相匹配的单词的长度也考虑进去了。这是因为他们发现越长的单词约具体,所以越容易被用户认为相关度高。此外他们还使用了逐字符的序列比较(difflib.SequenceMatcher),因为这个相似度能够衡量视觉上的相似度。像这样的 Feature 的确不是每个人都能想到的。
  • 标注单词的词性,找出中心词,计算基于中心词的各种匹配度和距离。这一点我想到了,但没有时间尝试。
  • 将产品标题/介绍中 TF-IDF 最高的一些 Trigram 拿出来,计算搜索词中出现在这些 Trigram 中的比例;反过来以搜索词为基底也做一遍。这相当于是从另一个角度抽取了一些 Latent 标识。
  • 一些新颖的距离尺度,比如 Word Movers Distance
  • 除了 SVD 以外还可以用上 NMF
  • 最重要的 Feature 之间的 Pairwise Polynomial Interaction
  • 针对数据不 i.i.d. 的问题,在 CV 时手动构造测试集与验证集之间产品 ID 不重叠和重叠的两种不同分割,并以与实际训练集/测试集的分割相同的比例来做 CV 以逼近 LB 的得分分布

至于 Ensemble 的方法,我暂时还没有办法学到什么,因为自己只有最简单的 Stacking 经验。



  1. 比较早的时候就开始做 Ensemble 是对的,这次比赛到倒数第三天我还在纠结 Feature。
  2. 很有必要搭建一个 Pipeline,至少要能够自动训练并记录最佳参数。
  3. Feature 为王。我花在 Feature 上的时间还是太少。
  4. 可能的话,多花点时间去手动查看原始数据中的 Pattern。

Issues Raised


  1. 在数据分布并不 i.i.d. 甚至有 Dependency 时如何做靠谱的 CV
  2. 如何量化 Ensemble 中 Diversity vs. Accuracy 的 Trade-off。
  3. 如何处理 Feature 之间互相影响导致性能反而下降。

Beginner Tips


  1. 选择一个感兴趣的比赛。如果你对相关领域原本就有一些洞见那就更理想了。
  2. 根据我描述的方法开始探索、理解数据并进行建模。
  3. 通过 Forum 和 Scripts 学习其他人对数据的理解和构建 Feature 的方式。
  4. 如果之前有过类似的比赛,可以去找当时获奖者的 Interview 和 Blog Post 作为参考,往往很有用。
  5. 在得到一个比较不错的 LB 分数(比如已经接近前 10%)以后可以开始尝试做 Ensemble。
  6. 如果觉得自己有希望拿到奖金,开始找人组队吧!
  7. 到比赛结束为止要绷紧一口气不能断,尽量每天做一些新尝试。
  8. 比赛结束后学习排名靠前的队伍的方法,思考自己这次比赛中的不足和发现的问题,可能的话再花点时间将学到的新东西用实验进行确认,为下一次比赛做准备
  9. 好好休息!


  1. Beating Kaggle the Easy Way – Dong Ying
  2. Solution for Prudential Life Insurance Assessment – Nutastray
  3. Search Results Relevance Winner’s Interview: 1st place, Chenglong Chen



Kaggle is the best place for learning from other data scientists. Many companies provide data and prize money to set up data science competitions on Kaggle. Recently I had my first shot on Kaggle and ranked 98th (~ 5%) among 2125 teams. Since this is my Kaggle debut, I feel quite satisfied. Because many Kaggle beginners set 10% as their first goal, here I want to share my experience in achieving that goal.

This post is also available in Chinese.

Kaggle Profile

Most Kagglers use Python and R. I prefer Python, but R users should have no difficulty in understanding the ideas behind tools and languages.

First let’s go through some facts about Kaggle competitions in case you are not very familiar with them.

  • Different competitions have different tasks: classification, regression, recommendation, ordering… Training set and testing set will be open for download after the competition launches.
  • A competition typically lasts for 2 ~ 3 months. Each team can submit for a limited amount of times a day. Usually it’s 5 times a day.
  • There will be a deadline one week before the end of the competition, after which you cannot merge teams or enter the competition. Therefore be sure to have at least one valid submission before that.
  • You will get you score immediately after the submission. Different competitions use different scoring metrics, which are explained by the question mark on the leaderboard.
  • The score you get is calculated on a subset of testing set, which is commonly referred to as a Public LB score. Whereas the final result will use the remaining data in the testing set, which is referred to as Private LB score.
  • The score you get by local cross validation is commonly referred to as a CVscore. Generally speaking, CV scores are more reliable than LB scores.
  • Beginners can learn a lot from Forum and Scripts. Do not hesitate to ask, Kagglers are very kind and helpful.

I assume that readers are familiar with basic concepts and models of machine learning. Enjoy reading!

General Approach

In this section, I will walk you through the whole process of a Kaggle competition.

Data Exploration

What we do at this stage is called EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis), which means analytically exploring data in order to provide some insights for subsequent processing and modeling.

Usually we would load the data using Pandas and make some visualizations to understand the data.


For plotting, Matplotlib and Seaborn should suffice.

Some common practices:

  • Inspect the distribution of target variable. Depending on what scoring metric is used, an imbalanced distribution of target variable might harm the model’s performance.
  • For numerical variables, use box plot to inspect their distributions.
  • For coordinates-like data, use scatter plot to inspect the distribution and check for outliers.
  • For classification tasks, plot the data with points colored according to their labels. This can help with feature engineering.
  • Make pairwise distribution plots and examine correlations between pairs of variables.

Be sure to read this very inspiring tutorial of exploratory visualization before you go on.

Statistical Tests

We can perform some statistical tests to confirm our hypotheses. Sometimes we can get enough intuition from visualization, but quantitative results are always good to have. Note that we will always encounter non-i.i.d. data in real world. So we have to be careful about the choice of tests and how we interpret the findings.

In many competitions public LB scores are not very consistent with local CV scores due to noise or non-i.id. distribution. You can use test results to roughly set a threshold for determining whether an increase of score is an genuine one or due to randomness.

Data Preprocessing

In most cases, we need to preprocess the dataset before constructing features. Some common steps are:

  • Sometimes several files are provided and we need to join them.
  • Deal with missing data.
  • Deal with outliers.
  • Encode categorical variables if necessary.
  • Deal with noise. For example you may have some floats derived from unknown integers. The loss of precision during floating-point operations can bring much noise into the data: two seemingly different values might be the same before conversion. Sometimes noise harms model and we would want to avoid that.

How we choose to perform preprocessing largely depends on what we learn about the data in the previous stage. In practice, I recommend using iPython Notebook for data manipulating and mastering usages of frequently used Pandas operations. The advantage is that you get to see the results immediately and are able to modify or rerun operations. Also this makes it very convenient to share your approaches with others. After all reproducible results are very important in data science.

Let’s have some examples.


Outlier Example

The plot shows some scaled coordinates data. We can see that there are some outliers in the top-right corner. Exclude them and the distribution looks good.

Dummy Variables

For categorical variables, a common practice is One-hot Encoding. For a categorical variable with n possible values, we create a group of n dummy variables. Suppose a record in the data takes one value for this variable, then the corresponding dummy variable is set to 1 while other dummies in the same group are all set to 0.

Dummies Example

Like this, we transform DayOfWeek into 7 dummy variables.

Note that when the categorical variable can takes many values (hundreds or more), this might not work well. It’s difficult to find a general solution to that, but I’ll discuss one scenario in the next section.

Feature Engineering

Some describe the essence of Kaggle competitions as feature engineering supplemented by model tuning and ensemble learning. Yes, that makes a lot of sense. Feature engineering gets your very far. Yet it is how well you know about the domain of given data that decides how far you can go. For example, in a competition where data is mainly consisted of texts, common NLP features are a must. The approach of constructing useful features is something we all have to continuously learn in order to do better.

Basically, when you feel that a variable is intuitively useful for the task, you can include it as a feature. But how do you know it actually works? The simplest way is to check by plotting it against the target variable like this:

Checking Feature Validity

Feature Selection

Generally speaking, we should try to craft as many features as we can and have faith in the model’s ability to pick up the most significant features. Yet there’s still something to gain from feature selection beforehand:

  • Less features mean faster training
  • Some features are linearly related to others. This might put a strain on the model.
  • By picking up the most important features, we can use interactions between them as new features. Sometimes this gives surprising improvement.

The simplest way to inspect feature importance is by fitting a random forest model. There exist more robust feature selection algorithms (e.g. this) which are theoretically superior but not practicable due to the absence of efficient implementation. You can combat noisy data (to an extent) simply by increasing number of trees used in random forest.

This is important for competitions in which data is anonymized because you won’t waste time trying to figure out the meaning of a variable that’s of no significance.

Feature Encoding

Sometimes raw features have to be converted to some other formats for them to be work properly.

For example, suppose we have a categorical variable which can take more than 10K different values. Then naively creating dummy variables is not a feasible option. An acceptable solution is to create dummy variables for only a subset of the values (e.g. values that constitute 95% of the feature importance) and assign everything else to an ‘others’ class.

Model Selection

With the features set, we can start training models. Kaggle competitions usually favor tree-based models:

  • Gradient Boosted Trees
  • Random Forest
  • Extra Randomized Trees

These models are slightly worse in terms of performance, but are suitable as base models in ensemble learning (will be discussed later):

  • SVM
  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Neural Networks

Of course, neural networks are very important in image-related competitions.

All these models can be accessed using Sklearn.

Here I want to emphasize the greatness of Xgboost. The outstanding performance of gradient boosted trees and Xgboost’s efficient implementation makes it very popular in Kaggle competitions. Nowadays almost every winner uses Xgboost in one way or another.

BTW, installing Xgboost on Windows could be a painstaking process. You can refer to this post by me if you run into problems.

Model Training

We can obtain a good model by tuning its parameters. A model usually have many parameters, but only a few of them are important to its performance. For example, the most important parameters for random forset is the number of trees in the forest and the maximum number of features used in developing each tree. We need to understand how models work and what impact does each of the parameters have to the model’s performance, be it accuracy, robustness or speed.

Normally we would find the best set of parameters by a process called grid search. Actually what it does is simply iterating through all the possible combinations and find the best one.

param_grid = {‘n_estimators’: [300, 500], ‘max_features’: [10, 12, 14]}
model = grid_search.GridSearchCV(
estimator=rfr, param_grid=param_grid, n_jobs=1, cv=10, verbose=20, scoring=RMSE
model.fit(X_train, y_train)

By the way, random forest usually reach optimum when max_features is set to the square root of the total number of features.

Here I’d like to stress some points about tuning XGB. These parameters are generally considered to have real impacts on its performance:

  • eta: Step size used in updating weights. Lower eta means slower training.
  • num_round: Total round of iterations.
  • subsample: The ratio of training data used in each iteration. This is to combat overfitting.
  • colsample_bytree: The ratio of features used in each iteration. This is like max_features of RandomForestClassifier.
  • max_depth: The maximum depth of each tree. Unlike random forest,gradient boosting would eventually overfit if we do not limit its depth.
  • early_stopping_rounds: Controls how many iterations that do not show a increase of score on validation set are needed for the algorithm to stop early. This is to combat overfitting, too.

Usual tuning steps:

  1. Reserve a portion of training set as the validation set.
  2. Set eta to a relatively high value (e.g. 0.1), num_round to 300 ~ 500.
  3. Use grid search to find best combination of other parameters.
  4. Gradually lower eta to find the optimum.
  5. Use the validation set as watch_list to re-train the model with the best parameters. Observe how score changes on validation set in each iteration. Find the optimal value for early_stopping_rounds.
X_dtrain, X_deval, y_dtrain, y_deval = \
cross_validation.train_test_split(X_train, y_train, random_state=1026, test_size=0.3)
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_dtrain, y_dtrain)
deval = xgb.DMatrix(X_deval, y_deval)
watchlist = [(deval, ‘eval’)]
params = {
‘booster’: ‘gbtree’,
‘objective’: ‘reg:linear’,
‘subsample’: 0.8,
‘colsample_bytree’: 0.85,
‘eta’: 0.05,
‘max_depth’: 7,
‘seed’: 2016,
‘silent’: 0,
‘eval_metric’: ‘rmse’
clf = xgb.train(params, dtrain, 500, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=50)
pred = clf.predict(xgb.DMatrix(df_test))

Finally, note that models with randomness all have a parameter like seed or random_state to control the random seed. You must record this with all other parameters when you get a good model. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to reproduce it.

Cross Validation

Cross validation is an essential step. It tells us whether our model is at high risk of overfitting. In many competitions, public LB scores are not very reliable. Often when we improve the model and get a better local CV score, the LB score becomes worse. It is widely believed that we should trust our CV scores under such situation. Ideally we would want CV scores obtained by different approaches to improve in sync with each other and with the LB score, but this is not always possible.

Usually 5-fold CV is good enough. If we use more folds, the CV score would become more reliable, but the training takes longer to finish as well.

How to do CV properly is not a trivial problem. It requires constant experiment and case-by-case discussion. Many Kagglers share their CV approaches (like this one) after competitions where it’s not easy to do reliable CV.

Ensemble Generation

Ensemble Learning refers to ways of combining different models. It reduces both bias and variance of the final model (you can find a proof here), thusincreasing the score and reducing the risk of overfitting. Recently it became virtually impossible to win prize without using ensemble in Kaggle competitions.

Common approaches of ensemble learning are:

  • Bagging: Use different random subsets of training data to train each base model. Then base models vote to generate the final predictions. This is how random forest works.
  • Boosting: Train base models iteratively, modify the weights of training samples according to the last iteration. This is how gradient boosted trees work. It performs better than bagging but is more prone to overfitting.
  • Blending: Use non-overlapping data to train different base models and take a weighted average of them to obtain the final predictions. This is easy to implement but uses less data.
  • Stacking: To be discussed next.

In theory, for the ensemble to perform well, two elements matter:

  • Base models should be as unrelated as possibly. This is why we tend to include non-tree-base models in the ensemble even though they don’t perform as well. The math says that the greater the diversity, and less bias in the final ensemble.
  • Performance of base models shouldn’t differ to much.

Actually we have a trade-off here. In practice we may end up with highly related models of comparable performances. Yet we ensemble them anyway because it usually increase performance even under this circumstance.


Compared with blending, stacking makes better use of training data. Here’s a diagram of how it works:


(Taken from Faron. Many thanks!)

It’s much like cross validation. Take 5-fold stacking as an example. First we split the training data into 5 folds. Next we will do 5 iterations. In each iteration, train every base model on 4 folds and predict on the hold-out fold. You have to keep the predictions on the testing data as well. This way, in each iteration every base model will make predictions on 1 fold of the training data and all of the testing data. After 5 iterations we will obtain a matrix of shape #(rows in training data) X #(base models). This matrix is then fed to the stacker in the second level. After the stacker is fitted, use the predictions on testing data by base models (each base model is trained 5 times, therefore we have to take an average to obtain a matrix of the same shape) as the input for the stacker and obtain our final predictions.

Maybe it’s better to just show the codes:

class Ensemble(object):
def __init__(self, n_folds, stacker, base_models):
self.n_folds = n_folds
self.stacker = stacker
self.base_models = base_models
def fit_predict(self, X, y, T):
X = np.array(X)
y = np.array(y)
T = np.array(T)
folds = list(KFold(len(y), n_folds=self.n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=2016))
S_train = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(self.base_models)))
S_test = np.zeros((T.shape[0], len(self.base_models)))
for i, clf in enumerate(self.base_models):
S_test_i = np.zeros((T.shape[0], len(folds)))
for j, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(folds):
X_train = X[train_idx]
y_train = y[train_idx]
X_holdout = X[test_idx]
# y_holdout = y[test_idx]
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = clf.predict(X_holdout)[:]
S_train[test_idx, i] = y_pred
S_test_i[:, j] = clf.predict(T)[:]
S_test[:, i] = S_test_i.mean(1)
self.stacker.fit(S_train, y)
y_pred = self.stacker.predict(S_test)[:]
return y_pred

Prize winners usually have larger and much more complicated ensembles. For beginner, implementing a correct 5-fold stacking is good enough.


We can see that the workflow for a Kaggle competition is quite complex, especially for model selection and ensemble. Ideally, we need a highly automated pipeline capable of:

  • Modularized feature transform. We only need to write a few lines of codes and the new feature is added to the training set.
  • Automated grid search. We only need to set up models and parameter grid, the search will be run and best parameters are recorded.
  • Automated ensemble generation. Use best K models for ensemble as soon as last generation is done.

For beginners, the first one is not very important because the number of features is quite manageable; the third one is not important either because typically we only do several ensembles at the end of the competition. But the second one is good to have because manually recording the performance and parameters of each model is time-consuming and error-prone.

Chenglong Chen, the winner of Crowdflower Search Results Relevance, once released his pipeline on GitHub. It’s very complete and efficient. Yet it’s still very hard to understand and extract all his logic to build a general framework. This is something you might want to do when you have plenty of time.

Home Depot Search Relevance

In this section I will share my solution in Home Depot Search Relevance and what I learned from top teams after the competition.

The task in this competitions is to predict how relevant a result is for a search term on Home Depot website. The relevance score is an average of three human evaluators and ranges between 1 ~ 3. Therefore it’s a regression task. The datasets contains search terms, product titles / descriptions and some attributes like brand, size and color. The metric is RMSE.

This is much like Crowdflower Search Results Relevance. The difference is thatQuadratic Weighted Kappa is used in that competition and therefore complicated the final cutoff of regression scores. Also there were no attributes provided in that competition.


There were several quite good EDAs by the time I joined the competition, especially this one. I learned that:

  • Many search terms / products appeared several times.
  • Text similarities are great features.
  • Many products don’t have attributes features. Would this be a problem?
  • Product ID seems to have strong predictive power. However the overlap of product ID between the training set and the testing set is not very high. Would this contribute to overfitting?


You can find how I did preprocessing and feature engineering on GitHub. I’ll only give a brief summary here:

  1. Use typo dictionary posted in forum to correct typos in search terms.
  2. Count attributes. Find those frequent and easily exploited ones.
  3. Join the training set with the testing set. This is important because otherwise you’ll have to do feature transform twice.
  4. Do stemming and tokenizing for all the text fields. Some normalization(with digits and units) and synonym substitutions are performed manually.


  • *Attribute Features
    • Whether the product contains a certain attribute (brand, size, color, weight, indoor/outdoor, energy star certified …)
    • Whether a certain attribute matches with search term
  • Meta Features
    • Length of each text field
    • Whether the product contains attribute fields
    • Brand (encoded as integers)
    • Product ID
  • Matching
    • Whether search term appears in product title / description / attributes
    • Count and ratio of search term’s appearance in product title / description / attributes
    • *Whether the i-th word of search term appears in product title / description / attributes
  • Text similarities between search term and product title/description/attributes
  • Latent Semantic Indexing: By performing SVD decomposition to the matrix obtained from BOW/TF-IDF Vectorization, we get the latent descriptions of different search term / product groups. This enables our model to distinguish between groups and assign different weights to features, therefore solving the issue of dependent data and products lacking some features (to an extent).

Note that features listed above with * are the last batch of features I added. The problem is that the model trained on data that included these features performed worse than the previous ones. At first I thought that the increase in number of features would require re-tuning of model parameters. However, after wasting much CPU time on grid search, I still could not beat the old model. I think it might be the issue of feature correlation mentioned above. I actually knew a solution that might work, which is to combine models trained on different version of features by stacking. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to try it. As a matter of fact, most of top teams regard the ensemble of models trained with different preprocessing and feature engineering pipelines as a key to success.


At first I was using RandomForestRegressor to build my model. Then I triedXgboost and it turned out to be more than twice as fast as Sklearn. From that on what I do everyday is basically running grid search on my PC while working on features on my laptop.

Dataset in this competition is not trivial to validate. It’s not i.i.d. and many records are dependent. Many times I used better features / parameters only to end with worse LB scores. As repeatedly stated by many accomplished Kagglers, you have to trust your own CV score under such situation. Therefore I decided to use 10-fold instead of 5-fold in cross validation and ignore the LB score in the following attempts.


My final model is an ensemble consisting of 4 base models:

  • RandomForestRegressor
  • ExtraTreesRegressor
  • GradientBoostingRegressor
  • XGBRegressor

The stacker (L2 model) is also a XGBRegressor.

The problem is that all my base models are highly correlated (with a lowest correlation of 0.9). I thought of including linear regression, SVM regression and XGBRegressor with linear booster into the ensemble, but these models had RMSE scores that are 0.02 higher (this accounts for a gap of hundreds of places on the leaderboard) than the 4 models I finally used. Therefore I decided not to use more models although they would have brought much more diversity.

The good news is that, despite base models being highly correlated, stacking really bumps up my score. What’s more, my CV score and LB score are in complete sync after I started stacking.

During the last two days of the competition, I did one more thing: use 20 or so different random seeds to generate the ensemble and take a weighted average of them as the final submission. This is actually a kind of bagging. It makes sense in theory because in stacking I used 80% of the data to train base models in each iteration, whereas 100% of the data is used to train the stacker. Therefore it’s less clean. Making multiple runs with different seeds makes sure that different 80% of the data are used each time, thus reducing the risk of information leak. Yet by doing this I only achieved an increase of 0.0004, which might be just due to randomness.

After the competition, I found out that my best single model scores 0.46378 on the private leaderboard, whereas my best stacking ensemble scores 0.45849. That was the difference between the 174th place and the 98th place. In other words, feature engineering and model tuning got me into 10%, whereas stacking got me into 5%.

Lessons Learned

There’s much to learn from the solutions shared by top teams:

  • There’s a pattern in the product title. For example, whether a product is accompanied by a certain accessory will be indicated by With/Without XXXat the end of the title.
  • Use external data. For example use WordNet or Reddit Comments Dataset to train synonyms and hypernyms.
  • Some features based on letters instead of words. At first I was rather confused by this. But it makes perfect sense if you consider it. For example, the team that won the 3rd place took the number of letters matched into consideration when computing text similarity. They argued that longer words are more specific and thus more likely to be assigned high relevance scores by human. They also used char-by-char sequence comparison (difflib.SequenceMatcher) to measure visual similarity, which they claimed to be important for human.
  • POS-tag words and find anchor words. Use anchor words for computing various distances.
  • Extract top-ranking trigrams from the TF-IDF of product title / description field and compute the ratio of word from search terms that appear in these trigrams. Vice versa. This is like computing latent indexes from another point of view.
  • Some novel distance metrics like Word Movers Distance
  • Apart from SVD, some used NMF.
  • Generate pairwise polynomial interactions between top-ranking features.
  • For CV, construct splits in which product IDs do not overlap between training set and testing set, and splits in which IDs do. Then we can use these with corresponding ratio to approximate the impact of public/private LB split in our local CV.



  1. It was a good call to start doing ensembles early in the competition. As it turned out, I was still playing with features during the very last days.
  2. It’s of high priority that I build a pipeline capable of automatic model training and recording best parameters.
  3. Features matter the most! I didn’t spend enough time on features in this competition.
  4. If possible, spend some time to manually inspect raw data for patterns.

Issues Raised

Several issues I encountered in this competitions are of high research values.

  1. How to do reliable CV with dependent data.
  2. How to quantify the trade-off between diversity and accuracy in ensemble learning.
  3. How to deal with feature interaction which harms the model’s performance. And how to determine whether new features are effective in such situation.

Beginner Tips

  1. Choose a competition you’re interested in. It would be better if you’ve already have some insights about the problem domain.
  2. Following my approach or somebody else’s, start exploring, understanding and modeling data.
  3. Learn from forum and scripts. See how other interpret data and construct features.
  4. Find winner interviews / blog post of previous competitions. They’re very helpful.
  5. Start doing ensemble after you have reached a pretty good score (e.g. ~ 10%) or you feel that there isn’t much room for new features (which, sadly, always turns out to be false).
  6. If you think you may have a chance to win the prize, try teaming up!
  7. Don’t give up until the end of the competition. At least try something new every day.
  8. Learn from the sharings of top teams after the competition. Reflect on your approaches. If possible, spend some time verifying what you learn.
  9. Get some rest!


  1. Beating Kaggle the Easy Way – Dong Ying
  2. Search Results Relevance Winner’s Interview: 1st place, Chenglong Chen
  3. (Chinese) Solution for Prudential Life Insurance Assessment – Nutastray





如今,安全领域是机器学习(Machine learning)正在大力进军的一个方向。

| 把机器学习应用到安全领域,老板们跃跃欲试

如果你亲自参加了 2016 RSA 大会,就会发现几乎没有哪家公司在说自家安全领域的产品时,不提及机器学习。这是为什么呢?



| 用机器学习有效解决安全问题,正确的方法是?

把机器学习应用到安全领域,大多会涉及到一种技术——异常检测(anomaly detection),它可以识别哪些部分和预期模式或数据集不匹配。但技术销售方要注意,这种技术只在某些条件下有效——不过显然,他们还不知道自己已经犯下错误:他们会告诉你,分析过你公司的网络流量后,就可以用机器学习 揪出暗藏在网络中的黑客。但事实上,机器学习根本就做不到。这时候,你要立刻对这个销售商保持一丝怀疑。


| 机器学习和异常检测,用在哪里价值最大?



其实,人们在这方面已小有成就,比如隐式认证( Implicit Authentication)。隐式认证采用生物特征识别技术,基于击键力度、节奏和打字模式等技术对用户身份进行认证。不管是改善用户体验还是增强安全性,这个技术的优势都相当明显。最起码,它免除了用户记忆密码的负担和输入密码的麻烦。由于隐式认证所需元素大多是低维的, 机器学习就只需处理少量几个参数,这也使得收集用户的高品质标识数据变得很方便。所以,即使有行为差异或信号干扰, 机器学习还是能正确为计算机视觉进行图形搭配。同理,机器学习也能通过识别出个体的独特行为而进行身份验证,这当然也不在话下。


其实,你走路、站立等所有动作,是由众多因素共同决定的,比如生理状况,年龄,性别,肌肉记忆等等。并且对个体来说,这些动作不会有太大改变。因此,不经意间,你口袋中的手机就通过内置传感器精确捕捉到了这些信息,并记录下来。而想要通过运动行为来识别一个人, 4 秒的运动信息就已足够。另外,通过对比用户的历史和当下的定位记录也可以进行身份识别。人们总是生活在各种各样的习惯当中,通过观察他们什么时候从哪出发,就能预测被测者到底是不是用户本人。


| 让机器学习进行安全防护,你需要做哪些功课?


首先,也是最重要的事——收集数据。这些数据必须非常精确,才能用来训练系统,起到抵抗威胁的作用。不过身份认证系统要真是遭到攻击,你也不用过于担心。因为行为变化还是比较好检测的,系统很快就能识别出异常情况。比如,如果一个设备不小心被偷,那么这个设备被偷之后所记录的运动状态,地理位置和用法就会和之前的记录有明显不同。不过,系统是接受这种可能存在的异常情况的,这时候用户就需要在系统上以另外的方式确认身份,调整系统,以使假阳性最小化。而一旦我们在不同设备上连接起 4 个因素,那么隐式认证的假阳性就会低于 0.001% 。






尽管机器学习技术在网络安全领域的应用已经有了广泛的学术研究,但我们现在才刚开始了解这项技术对安全工具的影响。一些创业公司(如Invincea, Cylance, Exabeam和Argyle Data)正在利用机器学习驱动安全工具,使得它们比目前主要的安全软件供应商提供的工具更快捷和精准。


Invincea是美国弗吉尼亚州一家专门检测恶意软件和维护网络安全的公司。这家公司的首席研究工程师Josh Saxe认为,是时候摒弃上世纪90年代的基于特征码和文件哈希值的分析技术了。


Invincea先进的恶意软件检测系统有一部分是基于 DARPA 的网络基因组项目。




Invincea采用深度学习方法来加快算法的训练。目前,Saxe有大约150万个良性或恶意软件样品用来训练算法,这些都在使用 Python 工具的GPU中进行。他希望,随着样本数据增加到3000万,机器学习系统的性能优势会有一个线性增长。






「过去,企业的安全人员严重倚赖特征码方法——比如IP地址黑名单。」用户行为分析工具提供商Exabeam的首席数据科学家Derek Lin说到。




Exabeam并没有固守昔日的防御策略,而是基于Gartner的UBA( User Behavior Analytics,用户行为分析)概念采取了主动出击的方法。UBA背后的思路是你没法事先知道机器或用户的好坏,所以先假设他们是恶意的,你的网络是缺乏抵抗力的,所以你时刻对每个人的行为进行监测和制作模型,从而找到恶意行为者。




「想一想我们经历过的几次主要的网络安全浪潮,网络犯罪分子正寻找有效地方法来打破安全系统,我们也要回以反击。机器学习会成为反击武器中的中流砥柱吗?答案是肯定的。」安全软件供应商Townsend Security创始人兼CEO Patrick Townsend说到。



Machine learning and big data know it wasn’t you who just swiped your credit card

You’re sitting at home minding your own business when you get a call from your credit card’s fraud detection unit asking if you’ve just made a purchase at a department store in your city. It wasn’t you who bought expensive electronics using your credit card – in fact, it’s been in your pocket all afternoon. So how did the bank know to flag this single purchase as most likely fraudulent?

Credit card companies have a vested interest in identifying financial transactions that are illegitimate and criminal in nature. The stakes are high. According to the Federal Reserve Payments Study, Americans used credit cards to pay for 26.2 billion purchases in 2012. The estimated loss due to unauthorized transactions that year was US$6.1 billion. The federal Fair Credit Billing Act limits the maximum liability of a credit card owner to $50 for unauthorized transactions, leaving credit card companies on the hook for the balance. Obviously fraudulent payments can have a big effect on the companies’ bottom lines. The industry requires any vendors that process credit cards to go through security audits every year. But that doesn’t stop all fraud.

In the banking industry, measuring risk is critical. The overall goal is to figure out what’s fraudulent and what’s not as quickly as possible, before too much financial damage has been done. So how does it all work? And who’s winning in the arms race between the thieves and the financial institutions?

Gathering the troops

From the consumer perspective, fraud detection can seem magical. The process appears instantaneous, with no human beings in sight. This apparently seamless and instant action involves a number of sophisticated technologies in areas ranging from finance and economics to law to information sciences.

Of course, there are some relatively straightforward and simple detection mechanisms that don’t require advanced reasoning. For example, one good indicator of fraud can be an inability to provide the correct zip code affiliated with a credit card when it’s used at an unusual location. But fraudsters are adept at bypassing this kind of routine check – after all, finding out a victim’s zip code could be as simple as doing a Google search.

Traditionally, detecting fraud relied on data analysis techniques that required significant human involvement. An algorithm would flag suspicious cases to be closely reviewed ultimately by human investigators who may even have called the affected cardholders to ask if they’d actually made the charges. Nowadays the companies are dealing with a constant deluge of so many transactions that they need to rely on big data analytics for help. Emerging technologies such as machine learning and cloud computing are stepping up the detection game.

Learning what’s legit, what’s shady

Simply put, machine learning refers to self-improving algorithms, which are predefined processes conforming to specific rules, performed by a computer. A computer starts with a model and then trains it through trial and error. It can then make predictions such as the risks associated with a financial transaction.

A machine learning algorithm for fraud detection needs to be trained first by being fed the normal transaction data of lots and lots of cardholders. Transaction sequences are an example of this kind of training data. A person may typically pump gas one time a week, go grocery shopping every two weeks and so on. The algorithm learns that this is a normal transaction sequence.

After this fine-tuning process, credit card transactions are run through the algorithm, ideally in real time. It then produces a probability number indicating the possibility of a transaction being fraudulent (for instance, 97%). If the fraud detection system is configured to block any transactions whose score is above, say, 95%, this assessment could immediately trigger a card rejection at the point of sale.

The algorithm considers many factors to qualify a transaction as fraudulent: trustworthiness of the vendor, a cardholder’s purchasing behavior including time and location, IP addresses, etc. The more data points there are, the more accurate the decision becomes.

This process makes just-in-time or real-time fraud detection possible. No person can evaluate thousands of data points simultaneously and make a decision in a split second.

Here’s a typical scenario. When you go to a cashier to check out at the grocery store, you swipe your card. Transaction details such as time stamp, amount, merchant identifier and membership tenure go to the card issuer. These data are fed to the algorithm that’s learned your purchasing patterns. Does this particular transaction fit your behavioral profile, consisting of many historic purchasing scenarios and data points?


The algorithm knows right away if your card is being used at the restaurant you go to every Saturday morning – or at a gas station two time zones away at an odd time such as 3:00 a.m. It also checks if your transaction sequence is out of the ordinary. If the card is suddenly used for cash-advance services twice on the same day when the historic data show no such use, this behavior is going to up the fraud probability score. If the transaction’s fraud score is above a certain threshold, often after a quick human review, the algorithm will communicate with the point-of-sale system and ask it to reject the transaction. Online purchases go through the same process.

In this type of system, heavy human interventions are becoming a thing of the past. In fact, they could actually be in the way since the reaction time will be much longer if a human being is too heavily involved in the fraud-detection cycle. However, people can still play a role – either when validating a fraud or following up with a rejected transaction. When a card is being denied for multiple transactions, a person can call the cardholder before canceling the card permanently.

Computer detectives, in the cloud

The sheer number of financial transactions to process is overwhelming, truly, in the realm of big data. But machine learning thrives on mountains of data – more information actually increases the accuracy of the algorithm, helping to eliminate false positives. These can be triggered by suspicious transactions that are really legitimate (for instance, a card used at an unexpected location). Too many alerts are as bad as none at all.

It takes a lot of computing power to churn through this volume of data. For instance, PayPal processes more than 1.1 petabytes of data for 169 million customer accounts at any given moment. This abundance of data – one petabyte, for instance, is more than 200,000 DVDs’ worth – has a positive influence on the algorithms’ machine learning, but can also be a burden on an organization’s computing infrastructure.

Enter cloud computing. Off-site computing resources can play an important role here. Cloud computing is scalable and not limited by the company’s own computing power.

Fraud detection is an arms race between good guys and bad guys. At the moment, the good guys seem to be gaining ground, with emerging innovations in IT technologies such as chip and pin technologies, combined with encryption capabilities, machine learning, big data and, of course, cloud computing.

Fraudsters will surely continue trying to outwit the good guys and challenge the limits of the fraud detection system. Drastic changes in the payment paradigms themselves are another hurdle. Your phone is now capable of storing credit card information and can be used to make payments wirelessly – introducing new vulnerabilities. Luckily, the current generation of fraud detection technology is largely neutral to the payment system technologies.


【编者按】本文是FREES互联网团队成员覃超与徐万鸿进行的一场 Ask Me Anything。徐是前 Facebook 新闻流排序组的资深工程师,在今年9月回国出任神州专车 CTO。本文中他们聊的是关于 Facebook 的 Growth Hacking 策略、反垃圾信息系统、信息流排序,以及为什么选择回国参与创业。雷锋网(公众号:雷锋网)做了不修改原意的编辑。


所谓新闻流排序(news feed ranking),指的是 Facebook 的一项看家本领:用户每天会收到两三千条新鲜事,却只会阅读前 50 至 100 条。利用机器学习将用户最想看的内容排到最前面,从而提高粘性和日活。

这固然是一篇着重技术的文章,所在公司 Facebook 更是世界上最大的互联网公司之一。但这并不妨碍创业者从中得到经验。利用 A/B 测试作为迭代方法,借助 Growth Hacking 的核心——数据来驱动开发,新员工的入职宣讲……这些做法都体现了这位社交之王不同维度的文化所在:精神层面注重实现梦想,统一目标;而这一目标下放到微观层面,就是对于数据的尊重。

Facebook利用Sigma 系统做了什么?

我第一次去Facebook工作的时候,当时专注于用户增长的 VP 负责宣讲。他说将来全球所有人都会使用 Facebook,这家公司将来会成为万亿美元的公司,这让我印象很深刻。公司的所有人都很兴奋,对设定的目标有非常大的信心。他们的工作使命感非常强,非常专注。


在 Facebook 的 site-integrity (站点完整性) 组工作了两年。当时 Facebook 有很多的垃圾私信、垃圾信息,就像人人、微博上有各种广告、垃圾链接。有些用户的账号被盗用了,会使用个人页面发送垃圾短信、广告、病毒,还有一些不受欢迎的朋友请求。我会处理所有类似这些涉及到影响用户体验的东西。

Facebook 使用了一个叫做 sigma 的系统来抵制这些垃圾信息。这个系统安装在 2000 多台机器上面,Facebook 用户做的任何事情,都会经过 sigma 系统分析处理,比如评论、链接、朋友请求,都会被这个系统进行判断,是正常行为、滥用行为还是有问题的行为。

利用 Sigma 系统,Facebook 会对垃圾信息进行过滤和清理。

举个例子说,比如发送朋友请求,Facebook 的系统会自动判断一下:如果这个人的朋友请求都被别人拒绝了,他再发送朋友请求是不会被批准的。如果一个人发送的朋友请求十个有九个都被拒绝了,那么他下一次的朋友请求就会被系统拒绝。



如果这个比率很高,Facebook 会让你进行手机短信或其他方式认证,来验证是软件还是真人发送的,以此判断你是不是真的要发送朋友请求,比如你发出的朋友请求对象与你没有任何共同好友,那就可能是一个不合理的请求。

基本上,你在 Facebook 上做的任何事情,都会经过这个系统来分析、预测、决定是否允许你发出信息,借此希望会减少生态圈中的骚扰行为。当时 Facebook 每天有上百亿次的信息发生要通过这个系统进行判断。

机器学习是Sigma 系统的核心

Sigma 系统中有些是人为规则也有机器算法,请求通过和拒绝就是一个迅捷数据组(Scrum)。任务通过,则说明这个任务是一个对机器学习来说的正样本,被拒绝则是一个负样本,很像 0 和 1。

比如发送朋友请求如果被接受,y 值是 1,如果被拒绝就是 0。如果是评论和点赞,系统就能寻找 y 值,用户发送的不当信息就会被删除。

而机器学习是整个 Sigma 系统的核心。





“排序” 指的是信息流的顺序。它决定了打开你的 Facebook 朋友圈,你的信息流是个什么样子,信息的位置。每个人产生的内容、新闻会有两三千个,用户只能看到 50-100 个。你需要把两三千个最好地展示出来。有些我们不给用户显示,比如你喜欢游戏,你的朋友不喜欢。

我 2012 年刚去的时候,新闻流排序组只有五六个人,尽管这可能是公司最大的机器学习系统,最核心的产品。每天有十亿多人上线,每个用户花 40 分钟在 Facebook 上,其中一半时间都花在新闻流上。Facebook 大部分收入来自新闻流广告。比如说,移动广告收入占所有广告的 70%,而其中所有的移动的广告都来自新闻流。不管是从用户的停留时间,还是收入来说,新闻流都是最重要的产品。

新闻流是 Facebook 最重要的产品,直接决定了用户所看到的内容。



Facebook 之前也是全部显示,慢慢到后来用户是看不完所有的信息的。如果不做排序,把最好的服务挑出来的话,用户不会愿意访问新闻流,因为他看到很多不感兴趣的东西,感兴趣的部分他已经没有时间找出来了。从不排序到排序是必然的过程,你的朋友越来越多,公众页面越来越多,排序是必然的。

比如说新浪微博没有做排序,有些细节杂乱无章,他们测试过,但是做得不太好。所以放弃了。微信的朋友圈也会到要做排序的阶段。Facebook 不只是排序,还会隐藏用户不感兴趣的内容,比如你的朋友玩过 Candy Crush 游戏,但可能你本身不玩任何游戏,关于这方面的信息就没有意义。Facebook 就不会给你显示这些内容——“朋友们在玩什么游戏”。



基本上,新闻流是从两三千条内容里面,挑出了 四五十 个。按照每个内容打分,分高的内容排在最前面。每个内容、照片、分享或者状态,我们会预测一些概率值,比如你点赞的概率,评论、分享的概率。每个用户的行为,比如点赞、分享、评论,系统都会给权值。评这些用户行为概率是通过机器学习来系统计算的。如果用户对某个内容点赞、评论或者分享,说明用户愿意看到这个内容,对内容产生了反馈。

举个例子来说,比如你是我的好友,你上传了 100 张照片,我点赞了 20 次,那么点赞概率就是 20%。我们知道每个用户以前对哪些内容点赞、评论,这些都是我们的训练样本。我们通过学习用户的历史行为,进行相同类型、相同个人的未来行为预测,因为用户短期行为不会大幅变化,过去对哪些东西进行评论,将来也很有可能对相似内容进行评论。


很多人关心,是否可以针对用户内容来进行预测?比如分析用户发了什么样的文字或者图片?这是可以的。如果是图片我们可以抽取图片特点,对图片进行模式识别,分析图片的主题,打上相应的标签,用机器来识别这些图片。现在在做相应的工作。Facebook 有 AI 实验室,可以对图片进行内容识别。

那么,Facebook 该如何检测这套算法的有效性呢?该如何进行更新迭代?

其实,这可以通过 A/B 测试来实现。我们会抽取 1% 用户进行新的算法,1%进行旧的算法。如果新的算法下用户每天点赞、评论或者分享次数增长了,那说明新的算法更好。我们就把新的算法发布给所有的用户。我们主要的核心目标是:让日活跃用户更多,停留时间更长,访问 Facebook 更频繁。

A/B 测试是很好的迭代方法。建立起核心指标,进行 A/B 测试,看新的改动能否提高核心指标,提高就发布,没有提高就不用发布。这很像 Growth hacking,当然最终目的还是提高 DAU。如果用户喜欢你的新闻流,就会更频繁访问,最终目的还是在线时长和日活跃用户。

A/B 测试是 Facebook 用来测试迭代可行性的手段,目前峰瑞资本所投资的吆喝科技,想让初创企业也能使用到这一技术。


我已经没法看完所有朋友圈内容了。一种改进方法是排序,把最好的内容放最前面,通过你以前点赞的内容,来学习你关心的内容,比如你女朋友发的东西你都会点赞。另外一种改进方法叫做 “内容置顶”(Story bumped)。有时候我早上起来刷微信,会看不完,只看了一小部分。过一会儿再刷的时候,已经没有什么新的内容了。

Facebook 的内容置顶功能会把你没有看完的东西再放到上面去再次推送给你。

微信是知道哪些内容你没看过的,我有很多在美国的朋友,朋友圈会有很多内容,上班前看不完只看了一部分。再刷新的时候就已经没有新的东西出来了,我也没有关心没看完的东西,朋友发的照片。Facebook 的 “内容置顶” 把很重要的、还没看的、有点旧的内容放在朋友圈前面,让你再看一眼,怕你漏掉重要的内容。

在九月份的时候我加入神州专车担任 CTO,从事业角度来说,我希望把从 Facebook 学到的公司文化、技术带回中国。中国在计算机行业上有很大的潜力。现在国内的产品质量上和美国产品已经相当了,比如微信,Facebook 的产品经理也学习了微信里面的功能。再往后面看几年的话,中国有机会赶上美国。


Fighting spam with Haskell

One of our weapons in the fight against spam, malware, and other abuse on Facebook is a system called Sigma. Its job is to proactively identify malicious actions on Facebook, such as spam, phishing attacks, posting links to malware, etc. Bad content detected by Sigma is removed automatically so that it doesn’t show up in your News Feed.

We recently completed a two-year-long major redesign of Sigma, which involved replacing the in-house FXL language previously used to program Sigma with Haskell. The Haskell-powered Sigma now runs in production, serving more than one million requests per second.

Haskell isn’t a common choice for large production systems like Sigma, and in this post, we’ll explain some of the thinking that led to that decision. We also wanted to share the experiences and lessons we learned along the way. We made several improvements to GHC (the Haskell compiler) and fed them back upstream, and we were able to achieve better performance from Haskell compared with the previous implementation.

How does Sigma work?

Sigma is a rule engine, which means it runs a set of rules, called policies. Every interaction on Facebook — from posting a status update to clicking “like” — results in Sigma evaluating a set of policies specific to that type of interaction. These policies make it possible for us to identify and block malicious interactions before they affect people on Facebook.

Policies are continuously deployed. At all times, the source code in the repository is the code running in Sigma, allowing us to move quickly to deploy policies in response to new abuses. This also means that safety in the language we write policies in is important. We don’t allow code to be checked into the repository unless it is type-correct.

Louis Brandy of Facebook’s Site Integrity team discusses scalable spam fighting and the anti-abuse structure at Facebook and Instagram in a 2014 @Scale talk.

Why Haskell?

The original language we designed for writing policies, FXL, was not ideal for expressing the growing scale and complexity of Facebook policies. It lacked certain abstraction facilities, such as user-defined data types and modules, and its implementation, based on an interpreter, was slower than we wanted. We wanted the performance and expressivity of a fully fledged programming language. Thus, we decided to migrate to an existing language rather than try to improve FXL.

The following features were at the top of our list when we were choosing a replacement:

1. Purely functional and strongly typed. This ensures that policies can’t inadvertently interact with each other, they can’t crash Sigma, and they are easy to test in isolation. Strong types help eliminate many bugs before putting policies into production.

2. Automatically batch and overlap data fetches. Policies typically fetch data from other systems at Facebook, so we want to employ concurrency wherever possible for efficiency. We want concurrency to be implicit, so that engineers writing policies can concentrate on fighting spam and not worry about concurrency. Implicit concurrency also prevents the code from being cluttered with efficiency-related details that would obscure the functionality, and make the code harder to understand and modify.

3. Push code changes to production in minutes. This enables us to deploy new or updated policies quickly.

4. Performance. FXL’s slower performance meant that we were writing anything performance-critical in C++ and putting it in Sigma itself. This had a number of drawbacks, particularly the time required to roll out changes.

5. Support for interactive development. Developers working on policies want to be able to experiment and test their code interactively, and to see the results immediately.

Haskell measures up quite well: It is a purely functional and strongly typed language, and it has a mature optimizing compiler and an interactive environment (GHCi). It also has all the abstraction facilities we would need, it has a rich set of libraries available, and it’s backed by an active developer community.

That left us with two features from our list to address: (1) automatic batching and concurrency, and (2) hot-swapping of compiled code.

Automatic batching and concurrency: The Haxl framework

All the existing concurrency abstractions in Haskell are explicit, meaning that the user needs to say which things should happen concurrently. For data-fetching, which can be considered a purely functional operation, we wanted a programming model in which the system just exploits whatever concurrency is available, without the programmer having to use explicit concurrency constructs. We developed the Haxl framework to address this issue: Haxl enables multiple data-fetching operations to be automatically batched and executed concurrently.

We discussed Haxl in an earlier blog post, and we published a paper on Haxl at the ICFP 2014 conference. Haxl is open source and available on GitHub.

In addition to the Haxl framework, we needed help from the Haskell compiler in the form of theApplicative do-notation. This allows programmers to write sequences of statements that the compiler automatically rearranges to exploit concurrency. We also designed and implemented Applicative do-notation in GHC.

Hot-swapping of compiled code

Every time someone checks new code into the repository of policies, we want to have that code running on every machine in the Sigma fleet as quickly as possible. Haskell is a compiled language, so that involves compiling the code and distributing the new compiled code to all the machines running Sigma.

We want to update the compiled rules in a running Sigma process on the fly, while it is serving requests. Changing the code of a running program is a tricky problem in general, and it has been the subject of a great deal of research in the academic community. In our case, fortunately, the problem is simpler: Requests to Sigma are short-lived, so we don’t need to switch a running request to new code. We can serve new requests on the new code and let the existing requests finish before we discard the old code. We’re careful to ensure that we don’t change any code associated with persistent state in Sigma.

Loading and unloading code currently uses GHC’s built-in runtime linker, although in principle, we could use the system dynamic linker. To unload the old version of the code, the garbage collector gets involved. The garbage collector detects when old code is no longer being used by a running request, so we know when it is safe to unload it from the running process.

How Haskell fits in

Haskell is sandwiched between two layers of C++ in Sigma. At the top, we use the C++ thrift server. In principle, Haskell can act as a thrift server, but the C++ thrift server is more mature and performant. It also supports more features. Furthermore, it can work seamlessly with the Haskell layers below because we can call into Haskell from C++. For these reasons, it made sense to use C++ for the server layer.

At the lowest layer, we have existing C++ client code for talking to other internal services. Rather than rewrite this code in Haskell, which would duplicate the functionality and create an additional maintenance burden, we wrapped each C++ client in a Haxl data source using Haskell’s Foreign Function Interface (FFI) so we could use it from Haskell.

Haskell’s FFI is designed to call C rather than C++, so calling C++ requires an intermediate C layer. In most cases, we were able to avoid the intermediate C layer by using a compile-time tool that demangles C++ function names so they can be called directly from Haskell.


Perhaps the biggest question here is “Does it run fast enough?” Requests to Sigma result from users performing actions on Facebook, such as sending a message on Messenger, and Sigma must respond before the action can take place. So we wanted to serve requests fast enough to avoid interruptions to the user experience.

The graph below shows the relative throughput performance between FXL and Haskell for the 25 most common types of requests served by Sigma (these requests account for approximately 95 percent of Sigma’s typical workload).

Haskell performs as much as three times faster than FXL for certain requests. On a typical workload mix, we measured a 20 percent to 30 percent improvement in overall throughput, meaning we can serve 20 percent to 30 percent more traffic with the same hardware. We believe additional improvements are possible through performance analysis, tuning, and optimizing the GHC runtime for our workload.

Achieving this level of performance required a lot of hard work, profiling the Haskell code, and identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.

Here are a few specific things we did:


  • We implemented automatic memoization of top-level computations using a source-to-source translator. This is particularly beneficial in our use-case where multiple policies can refer to the same shared value, and we want to compute it only once. Note, this is per-request memoization rather than global memoization, which lazy evaluation already provides.
  • We made a change to the way GHC manages the heap, to reduce the frequency of garbage collections on multicore machines. GHC’s default heap settings are frugal, so we also use a larger allocation area size of at least 64 MB per core.
  • Fetching remote data usually involves marshaling the data structure across the C++/Haskell boundary. If the whole data structure isn’t required, it is better to marshal only the pieces needed. Or better still, don’t fetch the whole thing — although that’s only possible if the remote service implements an appropriate API.
  • We uncovered a nasty performance bug in aeson, the Haskell JSON parsing library. Bryan O’Sullivan, the author of aeson, wrote a nice blog post about how he fixed it. It turns out that when you do things at Facebook scale, those one-in-a-million corner cases tend to crop up all the time.


Resource limits

In a latency-sensitive service, you don’t want a single request using a lot of resources and slowing down other requests on the same machine. In this case, the “resources” include everything on the machine that is shared by the running requests — CPU, memory, network bandwidth, and so on.

A request that uses a lot of resources is normally a bug that we want to fix. It does happen from time to time, often as a result of a condition that occurs in production that wasn’t encountered during testing — perhaps an innocuous operation provided with some unexpectedly large input data, or pathological performance of an algorithm on certain rare inputs, for example. When this happens, we want Sigma to terminate the affected request with an error (that will subsequently result in the bug being fixed) and continue without any impact on the performance of other requests being served.

To make this possible, we implemented allocation limits in GHC, which places a bound on the amount of memory a thread can allocate before it is terminated. Terminating a computation safely is a hard problem in general, but Haskell provides a safe way to abort a computation in the form of asynchronous exceptions. Asynchronous exceptions allow us to write most of most of our code ignoring the potential for summary termination and still have all the nice guarantees that we need in the event that the limit is hit, including safe releasing of resources, closing network connections, and so forth.

The following graph illustrates of how well allocation limits work in practice. It tracks the maximum live memory across various groups of machines in the Sigma fleet. When we enabled one request that had some resource-intensive outliers, we saw large spikes in the maximum live memory, which disappeared when we enabled allocation limits.

Enabling interactive development

Facebook engineers develop policies interactively, testing code against real data as they go. To enable this workflow in Haskell, we needed the GHCi environment to work with our full stack, including making requests to other back-end services from the command line.

To make this work, we had to make our build system link all the C++ dependencies of our code into a shared library that GHCi could load. We also customized the GHCi front end to implement some of our own commands and streamline the desired workflows. The result is an interactive environment in which developers can load their code from source in a few seconds and work on it with a fast turnaround time. They have the full set of APIs available and can test against real production data sources.

While GHCi isn’t as easy to customize as it could be, we’ve already made several improvements and contributed them upstream. We hope to make more improvements in the future.

Packages and build systems

In addition to GHC itself, we make use of a lot of open-source Haskell library code. Haskell has its own packaging and build system, Cabal, and the open-source packages are all hosted onHackage. The problem with this setup is that the pace of change on Hackage is fast, there are often breakages, and not all combinations of packages work well together. The system of version dependencies in Cabal relies too much on package authors getting it right, which is hard to ensure, and the tool support isn’t what it could be. We found that using packages directly from Hackage together with Facebook’s internal build tools meant adding or updating an existing package sometimes led to a yak-shaving exercise involving a cascade of updates to other packages, often with an element of trial and error to find the right version combinations.

As a result of this experience, we switched to Stackage as our source of packages. Stackage provides a set of package versions that are known to work together, freeing us from the problem of having to find the set by trial and error.

Did we find bugs in GHC?

Yes, most notably:


  • We fixed a bug in GHC’s garbage collector that was causing our Sigma processes to crash every few hours. The bug had gone undetected in GHC for several years.
  • We fixed a bug in GHC’s handling of finalizers that occasionally caused crashes during process shutdown.


Following these fixes, we haven’t seen any crashes in either the Haskell runtime or the Haskell code itself across our whole fleet.

What else?

At Facebook, we’re using Haskell at scale to fight spam and other types of abuse. We’ve found it to be reliable and performant in practice. Using the Haxl framework, our engineers working on spam fighting can focus on functionality rather than on performance, while the system can exploit the available concurrency automatically.

For more information on spam fighting at Facebook, check out our Protect the Graph page, or watch videos from our recent Spam Fighting @Scale event.

最大似然估计(Maximal Likelihood Estimation)


给定一个概率分布 D,假设其概率密度函数是 f_{D},它与一个未知参数 \theta 相关。我们可以从这个分布中抽取 n 样本 x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{n},我们就可以得到这个概率是

P(x_{1},...,x_{n}) = f_{D}(x_{1},...,x_{n}|\theta).

但是,在这里我们并不知道参数 \theta 的值。如何估计参数 \theta 的取值就成为了关键之处。一个简单的想法就是从这个分布中随机抽取样本 x_{1},...,x_{n},然后利用这些数据来估算 \theta 的值。

最大似然估计 (maximal likelihood estimator) 算法会计算参数 \theta 的最可能的值,也就是说参数的选择会使得这个采样的概率最大化


L(\theta) = f_{D}(x_{1},...,x_{n}|\theta),

并且在 \theta 的所有取值上,使得这个函数的取值最大化。换言之,也就是函数 L(\theta) 的一阶导数等于零。这个使得 L(\theta) 最大化的参数 \hat{\theta} 称为 \theta最大似然估计

Remark. 最大似然函数不一定是唯一的,甚至不一定是存在的。





(3)令一阶导数等于零,得到关于参数 \theta 的似然方程;



(i)Bernoulli 分布(Bernoulli Distribution)

假设我们有 n 个随机样本 x_{1},...,x_{n}. 如果第 i 个学生没有自行车,那么 x_{i}=0; 否则 x_{i}=1. 并且假设 x_{i} 是满足未知参数 p 的 Bernoulli 分布的。我们此时的目标是计算最大似然估计 p,也就是全体学生中拥有自行车的比例。

如果 \{x_{i}:1\leq i\leq n\} 是相互独立的 Bernoulli 随机变量,那么对每一个 x_{i} 而言,它的概率函数则是:

f(x_{i};p)=p^{x_{i}}(1-p)^{1-x_{i}}, \text{ for } x_{i}=0 \text{ or } 1 \text{ and } 0<p<1.

因此,似然函数 L(p) 可以定义为:


为了计算参数 p 的值,可以对 ln(L(p)) 求导:

\ln(L(p))=(\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i})\ln(p) + (n-\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i})\ln(1-p)

\frac{\partial\ln(L(p))}{\partial p} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}}{p}-\frac{n-\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}}{1-p}

\frac{\partial\ln(L(p))}{\partial p} = 0,可以得到




(ii)Gaussian Distribution

假设 x_{1},...,x_{n} 满足正态分布,并且该正态分布的参数 \mu\sigma^{2} 都是未知的。目标是寻找均值 \mu 和方差 \sigma^{2} 的最大似然估计。

如果 \{x_{1},...,x_{n}\} 是满足正态分布的,那么对于每一个变量 x_{i} 的概率密度函数就是:

f(x_{i};\mu,\sigma^{2}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\exp(-\frac{(x_{i}-\theta)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}).


L(\mu,\sigma) = \prod_{i=1}^{n} f(x_{i};\mu,\sigma^{2}) = (2\pi)^{-n/2}\sigma^{-n}\exp(-\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}})

\ln(L(\mu,\sigma)) = -\frac{n}{2}\ln(2\pi) - n\ln(\sigma) - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-\mu)^{2}}{2\sigma^{2}}

\frac{\partial \ln(L(\mu,\sigma))}{\partial \mu} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-\mu)}{\sigma^{2}}

\frac{\partial \ln(L(\mu,\sigma))}{\partial \sigma} = -\frac{n}{\sigma} + \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-\mu)^{2}}{\sigma^{3}}

\frac{\partial \ln(L(\mu,\sigma))}{\partial \mu} =0 和  \frac{\partial \ln(L(\mu,\sigma))}{\partial \sigma}=0,可以求解方程组得到:

\hat{\mu}= \sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}/n,

\hat{\sigma}^{2} = \sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-\mu)^{2}/n.

(iii) Weibull 分布(Weibull Distribution)

首先,我们回顾一下 Weibull 分布的定义。Weibull 分布(Weibull Distribution)是连续型的概率分布,其概率密度函数是:

f(x;\lambda,k) = \frac{k}{\lambda}(\frac{x}{\lambda})^{k-1}\exp^{-(x/\lambda)^{k}} \text{ for } x\geq 0, f(x;\lambda,k)=0 \text{ for } x<0.

其中,x 是随机变量,\lambda>0 是 scale parameter,k>0 是 shape parameter。特别地,当 k=1 时,Weibull 分布就是指数分布;当 k=2 时,Weibull 分布就是 Rayleigh 分布。

Weibull 分布的累积分布函数

F(x;k,\lambda) = 1- \exp^{-(x/\lambda)^{k}} \text{ for } x\geq 0,

F(x;k,\lambda) = 0 \text{ for } x<0.

Weibull 分布的分位函数(quantile function, inverse cumulative distribution)是

Q(p;k,\lambda) = \lambda(-\ln(1-p))^{1/k} \text{ for } 0\leq p <1.


假设 \{x_{1},...,x_{n}\} 满足 Weibull 分布,其未知参数是 k,\lambda. 那么对于每一个 x_{i} 而言,概率密度函数是:

p(x_{i};k,\lambda) = \frac{k}{\lambda}(\frac{x_{i}}{\lambda})^{k-1}\exp(-(\frac{x_{i}}{\lambda})^{k}).


L(k,\lambda) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}p(x_{i};k,\lambda)


\ln(L(k,\lambda)) = n\ln(k) - nk\ln(\lambda) + (k-1)\sum_{i=1}^{n}\ln(x_{i}) - \sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}/\lambda^{k}.


\frac{\partial \ln(L(k,\lambda))}{\partial \lambda} = - \frac{nk}{\lambda} + \frac{k\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}}{\lambda^{k+1}},

\frac{\partial \ln(L(k,\lambda))}{\partial k} = \frac{n}{k} - n\ln(\lambda) + \sum_{i=1}^{n}\ln(x_{i}) -\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\frac{x_{i}}{\lambda})^{k}\ln(\frac{x_{i}}{\lambda}).



\frac{1}{k} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}\ln(x_{i})}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}} -\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\ln(x_{i})}{n}.

其中第一个式子可以计算出 \lambda 的最大似然估计。第二个式子是关于 k 的隐函数,不能够直接求解,需要使用 Newton’s method 来计算。

f(k) = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}\ln(x_{i})}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}} - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\ln(x_{i})}{n} - \frac{1}{k}.


f^{'}(k)= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}(\ln(x_{i}))^{2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}}-(\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}\ln(x_{i})}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}})^{2} + \frac{1}{k^{2}}.

根据 Cauchy’s Inequality, 可以得到:

(\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}(\ln(x_{i}))^{2})\cdot(\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k})\geq (\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{k}\ln(x_{i}))^{2}.

所以,f^{'}(k)>0 \text{ for all } k>0,换言之,f(k) 是关于 k 的递增函数,并且

\lim_{k\rightarrow 0^{+}}f(k) = -\infty,

\lim_{k\rightarrow +\infty}f(k) > 0 \text{ if } \forall x_{i}>1.

那么对于递增函数 f(k) 而言,就必定有一个零点。因此使用 Newton’s Iteration 的时候,初始点可以从靠近零的整数开始,比如 k_{0}=0.0001。如果从一个比较大的数开始的时候,可能使用 Newton 法的时候,会与负轴相交。但是如果从一个较小的数开始,就必定只与正数轴相交。其中 Newton 法的公式是:

k_{0}= 0.0001,

k_{n+1} = k_{n}- \frac{f(k_{n})}{f^{'}(k_{n})} \text{ for all } n\geq 0.

n 的次数足够大的时候,k_{n} 就可以被当作最大似然估计。

How machine learning can help the security industry

Machine learning (ML) is such a hot area in security right now.

At the 2016 RSA Conference, you would be hard pressed to find a company that is not claiming to use ML for security. And why not? To the layperson, ML seems like the magic solution to all security problems. Take a bunch of unlabeled data, pump it through a system with some ML magic inside, and it can somehow identify patterns even human experts can’t find — all while learning and adapting to new behaviors and threats. Rather than having to code the rules, these systems can discover the rules all by themselves.

Oh, if only that were the case! ML is this year’s “big data”: Everyone is claiming to do it, but few actually do it right or even understand what it’s good for. Especially in security, I’ve seen more misapplications than appropriate ones.

Most applications of ML in security use a form of anomaly detection, which is used to spot events that do not match an expected pattern. Anomaly detection is a useful technique in certain circumstances, but too often, vendors misapply it. For example, they will claim to analyze network traffic in an enterprise and use ML to find hackers in your network. This does not work, and you should be immediately skeptical of the vendors who make this claim.

Effective machine learning requires a low dimensionality problem with high-quality labeled data. Unfortunately, deployments in real enterprises have neither. Detecting novel attacks requires either clear, labeled examples of attacks, which you do not have by definition, or a complete, exhaustive understanding of “normal” network behavior, which is impossible for any real network. And any sophisticated attacker will make an attack appear as seamless and “typical” as possible, to avoid setting off alarms.

Where does ML work?

One example where ML and anomaly detection can actually work well for security is in classifying human behavior. Humans, it turns out, are fairly predictable, and it is possible to build fairly accurate models of individual user behavior and detect when it doesn’t match their normal behavior.

We’ve had success in using ML for implicit authentication via analyzing a user’s biometrics, behavior, and environment. Implicit authentication is a technique that allows users to authenticate without performing any explicit actions like entering a password or swiping a fingerprint. This has clear benefits to both the user experience as well as for security. Users don’t need to be bothered with extra steps, we can use many authentication factors (rather than just one, a password), and it can happen continuously in the background.

Implicit authentication is well-suited to ML because most of the factors are low dimensional, meaning they involve a small number of parameters, and you can passively gather high-quality labeled data about user identities. Much like ML is effective in matching images for computer vision even in the presence of variance and noise, it is also effective in matching unique human behavioral aspects.

One example of this technology is how we can authenticate users based on unique aspects to the way they move. Attributes of the way you walk, sit, and stand are influenced by a large number of factors (including physiology, age, gender, and muscle memory), but are largely consistent for an individual. It is actually possible to accurately detect some of these attributes from the motion sensors in your phone in your pocket. In fact, after four seconds of motion data from a phone in your pocket, we can detect enough of these attributes to identify you. Another example is in using a user’s location history to authenticate them. Humans are creatures of habit, and by looking at where they came from and when, we can make an estimate of whether it’s them.

There are enough sensors in phones and computers (and more recently, wearables and IoT devices) that it is possible to passively pick up a large number of unique attributes about a user’s behavior and environment. We can then use ML to build a unique model for an individual user and find correlations between factors.

Threat models and anomaly detection

In any security system, it is important to understand the threat models you are trying to protect against. When using ML for security, you need to explicitly gather data, model the threats your system is protecting against, and use the model to train your system. Fortunately, for attacks against authentication, it is often possible to detect behavioral changes. For example, when a device is stolen, there are often clear changes in terms of its movement, location, and usage. And because false negatives are acceptable in that they just require the user to re-authenticate with a different method, we can tune the system to minimize false positives. In fact, once we combine four factors across multiple devices, we can get below a 0.001 percent false positive rate on implicit authentication.

There is no magic machine learning genie that can solve all your security problems. Building an effective security product that uses ML requires a deep understanding of the underlying system, and many security problems are just not appropriate for ML. For those that are, it’s a very powerful technique. And don’t worry, the companies on the hype train will soon move on to newer fads, like mobile self-driving AR blockchain drone marketplaces.

Hausdorff dimension of the graphs of the classical Weierstrass functions

In this paper, we obtain the explicit value of the Hausdorff dimension of the graphs of the classical Weierstrass functions, by proving absolute continuity of the SRB measures of the associated solenoidal attractors.

1. Introduction

In Real Analysis, the classical Weierstrass function is

\displaystyle W_{\lambda,b}(x) = \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \lambda^n \cos(2\pi b^n x)

with {1/b < \lambda < 1}.

Note that the Weierstrass functions have the form

\displaystyle f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(x) = \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \lambda^n \phi(b^n x)

where {\phi} is a {\mathbb{Z}}-periodic {C^2}-function.

Weierstrass (1872) and Hardy (1916) were interested in {W_{\lambda,b}} because they are concrete examples of continuous but nowhere differentiable functions.

Remark 1 The graph of {f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}} tends to be a “fractal object” because {f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}} is self-similar in the sense that

\displaystyle f^{\phi}_{\lambda, b}(x) = \phi(x) + \lambda f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(bx)

We will come back to this point later.

Remark 2 {f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}} is a {C^{\alpha}}-function for all {0\leq \alpha < \frac{-\log\lambda}{\log b}}. In fact, for all {x,y\in[0,1]}, we have

\displaystyle \frac{f^{\phi}_{\lambda, b}(x) - f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(y)}{|x-y|^{\alpha}} = \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \lambda^n b^{n\alpha} \left(\frac{\phi(b^n x) - \phi(b^n y)}{|b^n x - b^n y|^{\alpha}}\right),

so that

\displaystyle \frac{f^{\phi}_{\lambda, b}(x) - f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(y)}{|x-y|^{\alpha}} \leq \|\phi\|_{C^{\alpha}} \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}(\lambda b^{\alpha})^n:=C(\phi,\alpha,\lambda,b) < \infty

whenever {\lambda b^{\alpha} < 1}, i.e., {\alpha < -\log\lambda/\log b}.

The study of the graphs of {W_{\lambda,b}} as fractal sets started with the work of Besicovitch-Ursell in 1937.

Remark 3 The Hausdorff dimension of the graph of a {C^{\alpha}}-function {f:[0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}}is

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(\textrm{graph}(f))\leq 2 - \alpha

Indeed, for each {n\in\mathbb{N}}, the Hölder continuity condition

\displaystyle |f(x)-f(y)|\leq C|x-y|^{\alpha}

leads us to the “natural cover” of {G=\textrm{graph}(f)} by the family {(R_{j,n})_{j=1}^n} of rectangles given by

\displaystyle R_{j,n}:=\left[\frac{j-1}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\right] \times \left[f(j/n)-\frac{C}{n^{\alpha}}, f(j/n)+\frac{C}{n^{\alpha}}\right]

Nevertheless, a direct calculation with the family {(R_{j,n})_{j=1}^n} does not give us an appropriate bound on {\textrm{dim}(G)}. In fact, since {\textrm{diam}(R_{j,n})\leq 4C/n^{\alpha}} for each {j=1,\dots, n}, we have

\displaystyle \sum\limits_{j=1}^n\textrm{diam}(R_{j,n})^d\leq n\left(\frac{4C}{n^{\alpha}}\right)^d = (4C)^{1/\alpha} < \infty

for {d=1/\alpha}. Because {n\in\mathbb{N}} is arbitrary, we deduce that {\textrm{dim}(G)\leq 1/\alpha}. Of course, this bound is certainly suboptimal for {\alpha<1/2} (because we know that {\textrm{dim}(G)\leq 2 < 1/\alpha} anyway).Fortunately, we can refine the covering {(R_{j,n})} by taking into account that each rectangle {R_{j,n}} tends to be more vertical than horizontal (i.e., its height {2C/n^{\alpha}} is usually larger than its width {1/n}). More precisely, we can divide each rectangle {R_{j,n}} into {\lfloor n^{1-\alpha}\rfloor} squares, say

\displaystyle R_{j,n} = \bigcup\limits_{k=1}^{\lfloor n^{1-\alpha}\rfloor}Q_{j,n,k},

such that every square {Q_{j,n,k}} has diameter {\leq 2C/n}. In this way, we obtain a covering {(Q_{j,n,k})} of {G} such that

\displaystyle \sum\limits_{j=1}^n\sum\limits_{k=1}^{\lfloor n^{1-\alpha}\rfloor} \textrm{diam}(Q_{j,n,k})^d \leq n\cdot n^{1-\alpha}\cdot\left(\frac{2}{n}\right)^d\leq (2C)^{2-\alpha}<\infty

for {d=2-\alpha}. Since {n\in\mathbb{N}} is arbitrary, we conclude the desired bound

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(G)\leq 2-\alpha

A long-standing conjecture about the fractal geometry of {W_{\lambda,b}} is:

Conjecture (Mandelbrot 1977): The Hausdorff dimension of the graph of {W_{\lambda,b}} is

\displaystyle 1<\textrm{dim}(\textrm{graph}(W_{\lambda,b})) = 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b} < 2

Remark 4 In view of remarks 2 and 3, the whole point of Mandelbrot’s conjecture is to establish the lower bound

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(\textrm{graph}(W_{\lambda,b})) \geq 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

Remark 5 The analog of Mandelbrot conjecture for the box and packing dimensions is known to be true: see, e.g., these papers here and here).

In a recent paper (see here), Shen proved the following result:

Theorem 1 (Shen) For any {b\geq 2} integer and for all {1/b < \lambda < 1}, the Mandelbrot conjecture is true, i.e.,

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(\textrm{graph}(W_{\lambda,b})) = 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

Remark 6 The techniques employed by Shen also allow him to show that given {\phi:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}} a {\mathbb{Z}}-periodic, non-constant, {C^2} function, and given {b\geq 2} integer, there exists {K=K(\phi,b)>1} such that

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(\textrm{graph}(f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b})) = 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

for all {1/K < \lambda < 1}.

Remark 7 A previous important result towards Mandelbrot’s conjecture was obtained by Barańsky-Barány-Romanowska (in 2014): they proved that for all {b\geq 2} integer, there exists {1/b < \lambda_b < 1} such that

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(\textrm{graph}(W_{\lambda,b})) = 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

for all {\lambda_b < \lambda < 1}.

The remainder of this post is dedicated to give some ideas of Shen’s proof of Theorem1 by discussing the particular case when {1/b<\lambda<2/b} and {b\in\mathbb{N}} is large.

2. Ledrappier’s dynamical approach

If {b\geq 2} is an integer, then the self-similar function {f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}} (cf. Remark 1) is also {\mathbb{Z}}-periodic, i.e., {f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(x+1) = f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(x)} for all {x\in\mathbb{R}}. In particular, if {b\geq 2} is an integer, then {\textrm{graph}(f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b})} is an invariant repeller for the endomorphism {\Phi:\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{R}} given by

\displaystyle \Phi(x,y) = \left(bx\textrm{ mod }1, \frac{y-\phi(x)}{\lambda}\right)

This dynamical characterization of {G = \textrm{graph}(f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b})} led Ledrappier to the following criterion for the validity of Mandelbrot’s conjecture when {b\geq 2} is an integer.

Denote by {\mathcal{A}} the alphabet {\mathcal{A}=\{0,\dots,b-1\}}. The unstable manifolds of {\Phi}through {G} have slopes of the form

\displaystyle (1,-\gamma \cdot s(x,u))

where {\frac{1}{b} < \gamma = \frac{1}{\lambda b} <1}, {x\in\mathbb{R}}, {u\in\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}}, and

\displaystyle s(x,u):=\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \gamma^n \phi'\left(\frac{x + u_1 + u_2 b + \dots + u_n b^{n-1}}{b^n}\right)

In this context, the push-forwards {m_x := (u\mapsto s(x,u))_*\mathbb{P}} of the Bernoulli measure {\mathbb{P}} on {\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}} (induced by the discrete measure assigning weight {1/b} to each letter of the alphabet {\mathcal{A}}) play the role of conditional measures along vertical fibers of the unique Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen (SRB) measure {\theta} of the expanding endomorphism {T:\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{R}},

\displaystyle T(x,y) = (bx\textrm{ mod }1, \gamma y + \psi(x)),

where {\gamma=1/\lambda b} and {\psi(x)=\phi'(x)}. In plain terms, this means that

\displaystyle \theta = \int_{\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}} m_x \, d\textrm{Leb}(x) \ \ \ \ \ (1)

where {\theta} is the unique {T}-invariant probability measure which is absolutely continuous along unstable manifolds (see Tsujii’s paper).

As it was shown by Ledrappier in 1992, the fractal geometry of the conditional measures {m_x} have important consequences for the fractal geometry of the graph {G}:

Theorem 2 (Ledrappier) Suppose that for Lebesgue almost every {x\in\mathbb{R}} the conditional measures {m_x} have dimension {\textrm{dim}(m_x)=1}, i.e.,

\displaystyle \lim\limits_{r\rightarrow 0}\frac{\log m_x(B(z,r))}{\log r} = 1 \textrm{ for } m_x\textrm{-a.e. } z

Then, the graph {G=\textrm{graph}(f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b})} has Hausdorff dimension

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(G) = 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

Remark 8 Very roughly speaking, the proof of Ledrappier theorem goes as follows. By Remark 4, it suffices to prove that {\textrm{dim}(G)\geq 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}}. By Frostman lemma, we need to construct a Borel measure {\nu} supported on {G} such that

\displaystyle \underline{\textrm{dim}}(\nu) := \textrm{ ess }\inf \underline{d}(\nu,x) \geq 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

where {\underline{d}(\nu,x):=\liminf\limits_{r\rightarrow 0}\log \nu(B(x,r))/\log r}. Finally, the main point is that the assumptions in Ledrappier theorem allow to prove that the measure {\mu^{\phi}_{\lambda, b}} given by the lift to {G} of the Lebesgue measure on {[0,1]} via the map {x\mapsto (x,f^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}(x))}satisfies

\displaystyle \underline{\textrm{dim}}(\mu^{\phi}_{\lambda,b}) \geq 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

An interesting consequence of Ledrappier theorem and the equation 1 is the following criterion for Mandelbrot’s conjecture:

Corollary 3 If {\theta} is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure {\textrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}^2}}, then

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(G) = 2 + \frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

Proof: By (1), the absolute continuity of {\theta} implies that {m_x} is absolutely continuous with respect to {\textrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}}} for Lebesgue almost every {x\in\mathbb{R}}.

Since {m_x\ll \textrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}}} for almost every {x} implies that {\textrm{dim}(m_x)=1} for almost every {x}, the desired corollary now follows from Ledrappier’s theorem. \Box

3. Tsujii’s theorem

The relevance of Corollary 3 is explained by the fact that Tsujii found an explicittransversality condition implying the absolute continuity of {\theta}.

More precisely, Tsujii firstly introduced the following definition:

Definition 4

  • Given {\varepsilon>0}, {\delta>0} and {x_0\in\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}}, we say that two infinite words {u, v\in\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}} are {(\varepsilon,\delta)}-transverse at {x_0} if either

    \displaystyle |s(x_0,u)-s(x_0,v)|>\varepsilon


    \displaystyle |s'(x_0,u)-s'(x_0,v)|>\delta

  • Given {q\in\mathbb{N}}, {\varepsilon>0}, {\delta>0} and {x_0\in\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}}, we say that two finite words {k,l\in\mathcal{A}^q} are {(\varepsilon,\delta)}-transverse at {x_0} if {ku}, {lv} are {(\varepsilon,\delta)}-transverse at {x_0}for all pairs of infinite words {u,v\in\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}}; otherwise, we say that {k} and {l} are{(\varepsilon,\delta)}-tangent at {x_0};
  • {E(q,x_0;\varepsilon,\delta):= \{(k,l)\in\mathcal{A}^q\times\mathcal{A}^q: (k,l) \textrm{ is } (\varepsilon,\delta)\textrm{-tangent at } x_0\}}
  • {E(q,x_0):=\bigcap\limits_{\varepsilon>0}\bigcap\limits_{\delta>0} E(q,x_0;\varepsilon,\delta)};
  • {e(q,x_0):=\max\limits_{k\in\mathcal{A}^q}\#\{l\in\mathcal{A}^q: (k,l)\in E(q,x_0)\}}
  • {e(q):=\max\limits_{x_0\in\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}} e(q,x_0)}.

Next, Tsujii proves the following result:

Theorem 5 (Tsujii) If there exists {q\geq 1} integer such that {e(q)<(\gamma b)^q}, then

\displaystyle \theta\ll\textrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}^2}

Remark 9 Intuitively, Tsujii’s theorem says the following. The transversality condition {e(q)<(\gamma b)^q} implies that the majority of strong unstable manifolds {\ell^{uu}}are mutually transverse, so that they almost fill a small neighborhood {U} of some point {x_0} (see the figure below extracted from this paper of Tsujii). Since the SRB measure {\theta} is absolutely continuous along strong unstable manifolds, the fact that the {\ell^{uu}}‘s almost fill {U} implies that {\theta} becomes “comparable” to the restriction of the Lebesgue measure {\textrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}^2}} to {U}.


Remark 10 In this setting, Barańsky-Barány-Romanowska obtained their main result by showing that, for adequate choices of the parameters {\lambda} and {b}, one has {e(1)=1}. Indeed, once we know that {e(1)=1}, since {1<\gamma b}, they can apply Tsujii’s theorem and Ledrappier’s theorem (or rather Corollary 3) to derive the validity of Mandelbrot’s conjecture for certain parameters {\lambda} and {b}.

For the sake of exposition, we will give just a flavor of the proof of Theorem 1 by sketching the derivation of the following result:

Proposition 6 Let {\phi(x) = \cos(2\pi x)}. If {1/2<\gamma=1/\lambda b <1} and {b\in\mathbb{N}} is sufficiently large, then

\displaystyle e(1)<\gamma b

In particular, by Corollary 3 and Tsujii’s theorem, if {1/2<\gamma=1/\lambda b <1} and {b\in\mathbb{N}} is sufficiently large, then Mandelbrot’s conjecture is valid, i.e.,

\displaystyle \textrm{dim}(W_{\lambda,b}) = 2+\frac{\log\lambda}{\log b}

Remark 11 The proof of Theorem 1 in full generality (i.e., for {b\geq 2} integer and {1/b<\lambda<1}) requires the introduction of a modified version of Tsujii’s transversality condition: roughly speaking, Shen defines a function {\sigma(q)\leq e(q)}(inspired from Peter-Paul inequality) and he proves

  • (a) a variant of Proposition 6: if {b\geq 2} integer and {1/b<\lambda<1}, then {\sigma(q)<(\gamma b)^q} for some integer {q};
  • (b) a variant of Tsujii’s theorem: if {\sigma(q)<(\gamma b)^q} for some integer {q}, then {\theta\ll\textrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}^2}}.

See Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Shen’s paper for more details.

We start the (sketch of) proof of Proposition 6 by recalling that the slopes of unstable manifolds are given by

\displaystyle s(x,u):=-2\pi\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \gamma^n \sin\left(2\pi\frac{x + u_1 + u_2 b + \dots + u_n b^{n-1}}{b^n}\right)

for {x\in\mathbb{R}}, {u\in\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{N}}}, so that

\displaystyle s'(x,u)=-4\pi^2\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \left(\frac{\gamma}{b}\right)^n \cos\left(2\pi\frac{x + u_1 + u_2 b + \dots + u_n b^{n-1}}{b^n}\right)

Remark 12 Since {\gamma/b < \gamma}, the series defining {s'(x,u)} converges faster than the series defining {s(x,u)}.

By studying the first term of the expansion of {s(x,u)} and {s'(x,u)} (while treating the remaining terms as a “small error term”), it is possible to show that if {(k,l)\in E(1,x_0)}, then

\displaystyle \left|\sin\left(2\pi\frac{x_0+k}{b}\right) - \sin\left(2\pi\frac{x_0+l}{b}\right)\right| \leq\frac{2\gamma}{1-\gamma} \ \ \ \ \ (2)


\displaystyle \left|\cos\left(2\pi\frac{x_0+k}{b}\right) - \cos\left(2\pi\frac{x_0+l}{b}\right)\right| \leq \frac{2\gamma}{b-\gamma} \ \ \ \ \ (3)

(cf. Lemma 3.2 in Shen’s paper).

Using these estimates, we can find an upper bound for {e(1)} as follows. Take {x_0\in\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}} with {e(1)=e(1,x_0)}, and let {k\in\mathcal{A}} be such that {(k,l_1),\dots,(k,l_{e(1)})\in E(1,x_0)} distinct elements listed in such a way that

\displaystyle \sin(2\pi x_i)\leq \sin(2\pi x_{i+1})

for all {i=1,\dots,e(1)-1}, where {x_i:=(x_0+l_i)/b}.

From (3), we see that

\displaystyle \left|\cos\left(2\pi x_i\right) - \cos\left(2\pi x_{i+1}\right)\right| \leq \frac{4\gamma}{b-\gamma}

for all {i=1,\dots,e(1)-1}.


\displaystyle (\cos(2\pi x_i)-\cos(2\pi x_{i+1}))^2 + (\sin(2\pi x_i)-\sin(2\pi x_{i+1}))^2 = 4\sin^2(\pi(x_i-x_{i+1}))\geq 4\sin^2(\pi/b),

it follows that

\displaystyle |\sin(2\pi x_i)-\sin(2\pi x_{i+1})|\geq \sqrt{4\sin^2\left(\frac{\pi}{b}\right) - \left(\frac{4\gamma}{b-\gamma}\right)^2} \ \ \ \ \ (4)

Now, we observe that

\displaystyle \sqrt{4\sin^2\left(\frac{\pi}{b}\right) - \left(\frac{4\gamma}{b-\gamma}\right)^2} > \frac{4}{b} \ \ \ \ \ (5)

for {b} large enough. Indeed, this happens because

  • {\sqrt{z^2-w^2}>2(z-w)} if {z+w>4(z-w)};
  • {z+w>4(z-w)} if {z/w:=u < 5/3};
  • {\frac{2\sin(\frac{\pi}{b})}{\frac{4\gamma}{b-\gamma}}\rightarrow \frac{2\pi}{4\gamma} (< \frac{5}{3})} as {b\rightarrow\infty}, and {2\sin(\frac{\pi}{b}) - \frac{4\gamma}{b-\gamma} \rightarrow (2\pi-4\gamma)\frac{1}{b} (>\frac{2}{b})} as {b\rightarrow\infty} (here we used {\gamma<1}).

By combining (4) and (5), we deduce that

\displaystyle |\sin(2\pi x_i)-\sin(2\pi x_{i+1})| > 4/b

for all {i=1,\dots, e(1)-1}.

Since {-1\leq\sin(2\pi x_1)\leq\sin(2\pi x_2)\leq\dots\leq\sin(2\pi x_{e(1)})\leq 1}, the previous estimate implies that

\displaystyle \frac{4}{b}(e(1)-1)<\sum\limits_{i=1}^{e(1)-1}(\sin(2\pi x_{i+1}) - \sin(2\pi x_i)) = \sin(2\pi x_{e(1)}) - \sin(2\pi x_1)\leq 2,


\displaystyle e(1)<1+\frac{b}{2}

Thus, it follows from our assumptions ({\gamma>1/2}, {b} large) that

\displaystyle e(1)<1+\frac{b}{2}<\gamma b

This completes the (sketch of) proof of Proposition 6 (and our discussion of Shen’s talk).


























你下了血本,花了大几千块去听风头正劲的某大咖演讲,哪怕他标价¥38 的书里所阐述的思想完全一样——这也好理解,毕竟听演讲这个行为有逼格又轻松,况且还可以勾搭上大咖;而相对让人不那么愉悦的还是埋头看书这件事了,至于能否勾搭上大咖,我认为唯一靠谱的判断标准就是你的咖是不是够大,但是思维懒惰者总会有自欺欺人的理由。










让我们从远古穿越到现在,那么目力所及,现在社会究竟是什么样的存在? 变化,急剧的变化,非常急剧的变化!事实上,变化早已经成为了我们彼此心知肚明的共识,这种越来越快的变化所导致的一个直接结果就是信息的指数级发展,从信息的承载方式上亦可见一斑——从甲骨、竹简、羊皮卷、印刷纸,一直到理论上无限大的虚拟存储空间。



























